Chapter 7

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Months passed by, and we did the same things over and over again. But it Was far from boring! We released an album, had another tour, and all that stuff. But then came the day When We got robbed. Not a lot of thing were stolen, just Ross, Riker and Rocky's guitars.

"It's just your fault! Why Do you always have to forget to lock the door?!" Ross screamed at me. "I don't always forget to lock the door!" i screamed back, i Was the last one out of the door, and i forgot to lock it. "You forgot it, and now our guitars are gone!" Rocky screamed, and i felt My eyes started watering. But i couldn't cry, not now. "I didn't Do it On purpose!" i said, a little more quiet. "But you did it! And we'll probably never Get them back! Thanks a lot!" Riker screamed, and i suddenly got a little scared. He had never screamed at me before. "Let her be, it Was an accident!" Rydel said, but Ross snapped "Stay out of this, Rydel". "Hey, don't Snap at her, she hasn't done anything!" i said, that Was rude. "But you have! If you weren't here, none of this would have happened!" Ross screamed, and everyone became silent. I couldn't see that He Was Sorry for what He just said, all i could see in his eyes were anger. I knew He loved his guitar, but not that much! "What?" i said, i couldn't believe He just said that. "I never asked for someone who would share everything with me! I never asked for a twin! And if i didn't have one, none of this would have happened!" He screamed, and i felt so little. Everyone looked terrified at Ross, He had never screamed at someone like that before. "Ok. If That's how you feel" i said, and turned around. I went out the front door, and i heard Rydel coming. "Riley, Where are you going?" she asked, almost panicking, as i started running. "Riley, wait!" Ryland yelled, but i didn't wait. Ross didn't want a twin. Then He would lose one. I heard running behind me. That only made me run even faster. "Riley!! He didn't mean it!!" i heard Riker shout, and i guess He Was Sorry for what He said too. But My legs just continued to run.

I don't know How, but i ended up On the beach. Not a bad thing, exactly. I could still hear running feet behind me, and i couldn't run forever. But i couldn't go back. Ross didn't want me there. I looked to My left. There Was the beach. Then i looked to My right. A road. With cars. I looked behind My back, and i saw Riker and Ryland running against me. I mimicked 'sorry', before i jumped out in the road. The cars here were driving really fast, and didn't see me. I could see the surprised, yet sad looks On they're faced When the car hit me. And then everything became dark.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait, and sorry for the short chapter, but i just had to end it there! Another chapter will soon be up, i promise!:)

R6 (A R5 fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt