Chapter 12

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They got to the party and Azulon rarely left Katara's side. All night Azulon was hitting on her and Zuko thought that Azulon was even more of a fire nation scum than Zuko could ever be. After a little Zuko walked away to get Katara an himself a drink and of course he kept an eye on her.

Azulon left her side to go say hi to his friend and bring him over to introduce him to Katara. So she decided to move to the side of the room, as she was walking over when she tripped someone had caught her then pulled her into a bear hug. She thought it was Zuko. "Okay you can let go now. We just saw each other like three minutes ago. Then the guy laughed and Katara immediately realized it couldn't be Zuko. "Sorry I don't know who you are so let me ago before I seriously harm you."

"Don't hurt me." He said letting go of her. She whipped around saw it was Haru. Then she smiled widely and gave him a giant hug. He hugged back. At that moment Zuko decided they were getting a little close. He marched over and yanked Haru away from Katara and stepped on front off her.

"Who is he, Zulee?" Zuko asked.

"I met him in the earth kingdom. He and his father are good friends with Aang, Sokka, and I." She replied.

"Zulee? That's an interesting name. You see Zulee rescued all the earth benders including my father and I from a fire nation ship..." Katara interrupted.

"The only reason Haru was there was because I made him earthbend, which was forbidden, and he got caught. I was obligated to rescue him."

"She wasn't. Zulee would you mind explaining to me who the man standing in front of you is?" Haru queried.

"Oh this is Li. He has been traveling with is for a while now. Unfortunately we got separated from the others again. We met this guy Azulon who offered to let us stay in his home." Katara responded.

'She doesn't trust this guy enough to give him my real name or why I was traveling with Aang.' Zuko joked, "More like was tricked by Katara than offered of his own free will."

"Who don't you two stay with my father and I until you continue your journey?"

"Thank you for your hospitality that we kindly accept. Between us three I think Azulon thought Kata-Zulee was an easy target. We will inform him then leave." Zuko decided to express him opinions.

With the Gaang

"I am just so nervous that one of them will get mad and murder or seriously harm the other." Aang said as he paced.

Toph replied with, to partly freak him out and to possibly calm him down. "If you had been sensing the vibes I have then you wouldn't worry about that. In fact you might worry about one of them attacking a stranger out of jealousy."

"Okay. I am also worried that something will happen between them. I worry that it will affect her answer as to who she likes." Aang stated as he plopped onto the ground.

"Her answer is obviously..." Toph started before Jet quickly interjected.

"All will reveal itself in due time."


Well got another chapter done. I get about every other weekend to write. After a game and homework I only have a few hours during 14 days. So enjoy. And the updates might be spaced further. Later on. I really try to write as much as possible. It is 9:15 on a Sunday night where I live I wrote most if this today. Sokka didn't appear sadly, let's assume he was hunting for meat. He loves his meat.

•Just that author

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