Ask-Merome and Ask-FemaleEnderlox's Dare

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((These two were basicly the same so I combined them! Also sorry for not updating these books...ya know stuff uhhh yea))

Ask-Merome: Mitch: Seto in a maids dress with cat ears..... do it....


Ask-FemaleEnderlox: Okay, this one is a MUST. Like @Ask-Merome 's dare, I want it NOT just to be the maids dress and cat ears. you have to walk into Brice's room and say " Mew! "


Seto: -.- I hate my life

*a maids dress magicly appears*

Seto: *goes and changes*

Kate: *drags Brice in the room*

Brice: Uhh what are you doing?

Kate: *laughs* You'll see!

Brice: ?!

Seto: -.- *walks in* mew

Kate: *laughs ass off*

Brice: 0-0

Seto: *facepalms*

Brice: 0-0

Kate: Uhh I should probably leave before Brice..yea.. *walks out with the camera*

~5 minutes later~

*moaning from the other room*

Kate: XD That was quick BAI people!!!

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