Setosolace Life Update

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(( So little update- Seto had dee baby..Ty May be know why if you read that one chapter..and my mom gave birth..I HAVE A NEW FRICKEN SISTER! Her names yea that kinds why I have been updating a lot ))

I dare Seto to read a #merome fanfiction infront of Brice, out loud. :3 I regret nothing :3


Seto: *is holding Sam* Why Merome?

Kate: Because Merome is adorable!! #MEROME4DAYZZZZZZ

Seto: O..kay? So I'm gonna read just a random one..

Brice: Okay.

((Don't feel like writing a lot so yea..))

Seto: *starts reading* Wait..this has 52 chapters and each chapter is three wattpad pages long.

Brice: 0-0

Seto: *continues reading outloud*

Brice: *starts to fall asleep*

Sam: *falls asleep*

Seto: And there's a dirty chapter 0_0 ..let's just skip that..

Brice: *is asleep*

Seto: *finishes reading* 0-0 Brice?

Kate: XD

Brice: *wakes up* 0_0 IM AWAKE!

Seto: *laughs* Okay.

Sam: *wakes up and reaches for Brice*

Brice: *sighs and holds Sam* That was boring..and weird.

Seto: :-/ I've read worse.

Brice: You read Merome fanfiction?

Kate: *laughs*

Seto: No..I mean worse books.

Brice: Sure...

Seto: now that that's guys can meet Sam.

Brice: *smiles* ^~^

Seto: *laughs* Soooo yea..BAI!

Brice: BAI!

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