Ch. 007 My sister who can speak to fire.

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        He appeared at the foot of her bed, the lights flickering as he quite literally went through the walls. How did she know he was there, no idea, but the globes of fire dimmed then went out, and she awoke, gasping for air as in the midst of choking. She rasped, turning her eyes towards him, "Brother?... Is that really you?" He nodded and came to her side, taking her arm in his. "I'm here now. I'll get you out of here." She nodded weakly, and smiled. "Good.....idea...." He asked, gently, "What did they all do to you? Did they" 

        She shook her head. "No. Not physically at least. But my head. It hurts....real bad." His brows scrunched together in a frown. "Ok. Hold still." He placed his hand on her forehead at closed his eyes, using his psionic power to regenerate (heal) the broken connections in her mind from the experimentation. 

       His eyes moved back and forth under his eyelids. He could sense something warm, almost red. Would that be blood? Or whatever she had in her mind...was very strange.  He dove deeper, but hesitated, sensing her cry out in pain. "What?" He asked, eyes still closed. "What is it?" She murmered, "Hurts...please stop." He shook his head. "Almost done...." He had found the broken edges within her mind. He then sent his power flowing, and therefore healed her mind. 

     Once he'd opened his eyes, she gasped, blood flushing to her cheeks, turning them salmon pink. He reassured her it was alright. She asked, "What was that? What did you do?!" He sighed. "I realigned your brain cells. They weren't working the way that they should." He pursed his lips and frowned, eyebrows coming together again. "Tell me...did they try to expose you to any sort of black light or any time of radiation?" She spat, "No. Well...not that I know of. I suppose they could've." He nodded, a tad dissapointed.  

      "And also, before you came in...I thought I saw something standing by the door." He pointed over there, and asked, "Over there? Are you sure? I don't see anything, and I can decipher brainwaves as well as see the ultraviolet radiation that is in the sunlight." She nodded. "Ok. Maybe it WAS just my imagination. But could you at least check?" He smirked, and replied, "Sure. Why not?" He walked over to the door and peered through the circular glass door in the window, and used his special vision (of unknown limit) to recall past events which had occured there.  He saw the man peering into the room as if he could see him, and then, just after he'd left the room, another had come. His sister saw the change in emotion on his face. "What? What is it?"

              His voice grew tense. "I dunno. It's something powerful. Something angry. I think it's wearing clothes, however, which proves it isn't a monster." She looked very worried, indeed. "It's...another psychic. I'm sure of it. And he/she might be able to see the future, which is why it activated it's psionic shield the moment it entered here. wasn't looking at you, sis. It was looking at the man I saw before, the one with the glasses." Her eyes widened, and her nose started to bleed as a fireball, glowing blue, flew towards the iron bars opposite him and exploded in a deafening BOOOOOM!!!!!!! 

              His head turned towards her very quickly. "Are you okay?" She shook her head. "No. We need to leave. NOW!!" She could sense something coming, and something very powerful at that. 

(no copyright infr. int. for the video I was just trying to illustrate.) 

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