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    Songs will be included with each chapter.

The town burned, the flames licking at my throat as I crouched on my perch, watching as the tiny humans thrashed, crisped, and died. I felt their souls adding themselves to mine, the steady influx of power, the elation it brought, I breathe in their ashes and laugh in ecstasy. Consuming so many at once, no feeling, no kind of the souls of my own people can compare!
    The castle turret cracks under my clawed hand, threatening to crumble as it's inner support structures are engulfed in flame. The heat rises, I raise my wings high above the town, the light radiating from the fires that I started, that I ignited, warming them, making my blood burn hotter.
    With the taking of this town, not even the souls of my ancestors long dead will keep the king safe from me, I gaze out at the destruction I've wrought, and I know I will have the power to kill him and take what should be mine. No more will I have to live in his pitiful shadow, no more will the others look down on me in disgust, they will look at me in fear, my presence will make them tremble.
    I lift my head with a roar that dissolves into a coughing laugh, yes they will fear me, their gentle king will die and a new more prosperous era will begin under my firm control.

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