The Beginning

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Working at Cyberlife for so long had made me realise- humans are stuipid creatures. We wanted what we thought was impossible at first: Androids. We got the impossible, now we want to get rid of it.

I sigh and turn off the news. I had to go to work, to be honest I hated my job. Cleaning toilets and dusting fake plants was not on my bucket list of what I wanted to be doing at 21. "Christopher, you're going to be late if you don't get up." I smiled softly at the soft yet firm voice. "yeah, I know." I answered back. I looked down at my androids right hand- or lack their of a hand and frowned. Ren was going to speak, but I beat him to it. "The replacement should arrive in a couple days or so I-" He didn't even let me finish and put his good hand on my shoulder. "I told you it was an accident, if it didn't compleatly destroy the only thing that actully moves my hand you wouldn't even need to replace it." He excadurated a loud sigh and continued. "Now... Get to work! before your boss decides to fire you." He tried to seem mad, but just kept smiling. I gave him a small smirk and put my hand to my forhead to give him a salute. "Yes sir!" He just rolls his eyes at me then gives me a sirious look. ",but seriously don't over work yourself. Especially when you don't have to." My face becomes nutrel again and before I walk out the door I answer. "Yeah, I know. see you later."

I live aboit 30 minutes away from where I work- the stratfort tower to be excact. The fact that they actully hired suprised me to say the least. Since androids are takeing all our jobs and all. I don't hate them, we created them and now we are getting mad because we made them too advanced. To be fair I didn't need the job right now. I worked for Cyberlife for crist sakes along side Kamski. Kamski was... excentric, to say the least, but he never did anything without a good reason. So when he told me I was fired just a couple months after we descovered what we thought was impossible. I was livid to say the least. I was crushed my whole life revolved aroud these androids, Cyberlife itself and him. I never really spoke to anyone else he was my only real friend. I didn't understand- I couldn't understand why he just, let me go. After those words I cussed and yelled at him untill my throught was soar. Looking back at it now I could tell he wasnt doing it out of melition he did it to keep me safe and our project. RA9, the first ever android to have feelings. I cared for him even before he had feelings himself. RA9- Rem is the one who kept me stable through this whole thing without him I probably would have ended all that night. That night when I got home he was just sitting on my couch giving me a sad smile. he said, "I have a messege from Eilija." With much hesitation he continued. "I had to get rid of both of you. Cyberlife was going to destroy him and that in return probably would have destroyed you along with him. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you why at Cyberlife towers, but I hope you can understand why I did this. If Cyberlife ever caught you they would surely lock you up for the rest of your life for even conciderig to make androids aware. Please protect him and in return I will do everything in my power to protect you in return, but I'm sure I didn't need to ask you to do that. Again i'm sorry, Chris." At that point I was on my knees sobbing and when Ren was finished relaying that messege he hesitently came over and hugged me, coddling me like a child. He also told me Kamski gave him some money to help me find a new place at such short notice. Ren also made me a promise that night, that he would stay with me until this is all over. For some reason I hated him for promising me somethig like that. Mabey it was because I new it was impossible. It had been almost a year since then and he kept the promise so far, but it was just a matter of time. If somehow Cyberlife found Ren one day while he was at work he would never forgive himself...

The workday was almost over and I had little to no human interations. Basicly everyone he worked with was an android- who didn't feel anything- yet. I heard the deviancy was spreading so it was just a waiting game at that point, then again the govermment wasn't handling it that well. "Get out of the fucking way! pice of shit." Those words snaped me out of my day dreaming and I look to my left to see a human staff member. He thought I was a android. What a doorknob. "Yeah, yeah sorry 'bout that." I huffed out to tired to argue right now. I see a real android stare at me a little longer then normal and I just ignore that for now. In the mean time I was enjoying seeing that man that was insulting me two seconds ago sputter out a pathetic appoligy. Watching him walk away like a fool I couldn't help but let out a laugh with a small smile apearing on my face. "Fool." I whispered, now just realising that android was still staring I look back no longer a smile of my face. I think the android just realised he screwed up because he look away with a scared expretion.

So I decided to walk over to him. "Hey." He looked back at me terrifide. My face soffens a bit and continue speaking. "Whats your name?" once I asked this he looked compleatly dumfounded. "I... uhh, jeffrey, my name is jeffrey." He sputters out. I couldn't help but let out another laugh with a grin on my face, "You really don't talk to people often do you." He probably thought I was stupid becasue he taps the side of his head where the LED is glowing a bright yellow. "Yeah, I know." I calmed myself down and continued with a nutrel expression. "So are you deviant?" his eyes widened, that was enough of an answer, but he speaks anyways. "Please, Please don't tell I swear I didn't hurt an-" I cut him off with a loud sigh. "Look if I was going to tell I wouldn't be standing here talking to you."

After that encounter we ended up talking untill my shift was over and I was alloud to leave. For the first time in almost a year this was the most I have smile and felt normal. I felt really happy. "So... I know the humans have treated you badly here and all so... uhhh are you going to... leave?" If he was here I wouldn't actully mind coming into work. I might actully enjoy it instead drowning in my thoughts. "You know if you were here- I think, I think I could bear it." I look up at him and I gave him a smile, a real smile. "I would like that."

When I got home I saw Ren run over to me with a frown and he practically tackles me in a hug. My smile quickly leaves and I get worried. "Ren? wha-" He cut me off and was shaking slightly. "I'm sorry, you finally looked happy to." He sounded like he was going to start bawling any second, I havent seen him this upset like, ever! He was always the calm and collected one. "Ren, I don't-" He cut me off a second time and his breath shuttered. "The- The police were here their was an android said to be from Cyberlife and a human lutendent."

It felt like my heart just stopped "What?"

DBH: Sometimes I Wish I Couldn't Feel Where stories live. Discover now