Newt's POV

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Everyone stared at the doors, and I returned to my Tommy. I replayed what had just happened in my head. I remember hearing Thomas' cry for help, and running out to the deadheads to save him. I remember him reaching for my hand and squeezing it. I remember placing that terrible collar on Ben and feeling no regrets. My eyes wandered up to his face. A tear was running down his face. I hugged him, and then pulled back a little. "You okay?" I whispered, wiping the tear off his face with my thumb. "Yeah," he nodded, and hugged me. As we hugged, he sobbed quietly and every once in a while a teardrop fell on my shirt. I wanted to wrench open the doors and beat the bloody hell out of Ben for doing this to my Tommy. "You should get some sleep," I murmured. Thomas pulled back. "I don't want to. I just want to curl up in the corner by myself. With you," he smiled bash fully and blushed prettily. "Sure," I smiled back. I looked around, and it seemed that everyone had left. Thank god. I turned back to my Tommy, to his brilliant smile. I took his hand and pulled him to the deadheads, towards the corner where the two walls meet. We set up our blankets and pillows and got ready for bed by brushing our teeth. Thomas' bare shoulder touched mine and I forgot to breathe. "I believe..." I started. "I believe we were interrupted at something," Thomas finished for me, and smiled. I nodded, flushed, and he pulled me down to the blanket, on his lap. "I think I like you," Thomas said huskily. He pulled me closer to him, and I wrapped my legs around his strong upper body. Our lips met, and it was better than last time. Bloody hell, I hadn't even known him for over a week. He tasted like mint toothpaste and that distinct Tommy taste. My breaths ran out in shudders, his hands moved along my back, and I kissed him so hard that blood seeped out of where his lip had torn. With my eyes closed I reached up along his back until I felt his luxurious and soft brown hair, already dusty. I'd show him the showers later. I grabbed his hair as our lips collided again and again. "Tommy," I breathed. "Ohhh, Tommyyyy," my voice shuddered out between kisses. Was this too early? I didn't care. Tommy's lips slid off of my own and I opened my eyes slightly to see why he'd stopped. His lips were nibbling down my neck and I held his hair tightly as he left a dark mark slightly above my collar bone. "Newt," Tommy breathed. He lifted his head and kissed me again, harder this time. Our bare chests touched each other and our breaths were alike those of drowning men. We sat there for what felt like hours before Tommy yawned and caused me to yawn as well. We scooted closer to the wall and Tommy put his muscled arm around my shoulders as I leaned my head against the warmth of his body. "Good night, Greenie," I whispered and kissed his cheek. A snore answered me. I chuckled softly as I slipped off into sleep.

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