Newt's POV

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I watched my Tommy go happily out the door to find Chuck, the way the 'good that' sounded. I smiled, not caring about anything for the moment. Happiness. That's what I felt. I returned to Alby to check on Ben. "Help me, Newt," Alby demanded. I rolled my eyes, forgetting about the happiness. Couldn't he handle one minute of taking care of Ben without my help? It's not like he's a bloody idiot. It's simple, just watch Ben, make sure the pouch of grief serum is never empty, take the hot cloths off his face and replace them with clean ones. "I shucked up," he explained, waving the IV at me. Bloody hell. I sighed, counting to ten to keep calm, and hooked Ben back up to the grief serum. He screamed when I poked the needle back into his arm and I wanted to scream too. I just want a break. "Shuck you, you bloody shank!" I finally screamed at Ben as soon as soon as Alby left. The day passed quickly, one of the Gladers handing me my dinner as I sit and draw patterns on the wood of the walls. I heard the doors screech to a close, darkness finally coming in. Checking to make sure Ben had enough serum to last the night, I left the room to go outside, breathe some fresh air, find a nice patch of soft grass to sleep on. For some reason, I don't feel like sharing a bed with Alby, despite the extra warmth and comfort of the bed.
I found a patch of grass near Thomas and Chuck's place by a shriveled tree. Tommy was saying something. I listened a little closer, to hear what he was saying. "...he recognized me when he was doing the same thing Ben currently is," he was saying. "...shank think you're going to be okay? Greenies always get picked on a little but never..." Chuck was saying. I crept closer. "It's okay, I think," Thomas' voice was clearer now. "Really? You sure?" Chuck was clearly concerned. "Yes, of course. You guys are my family now. Newt will protect me," Thomas assured him. Chuck grunted. I listened a bit more to their chatter about me and my limp and so on. At least Chuck didn't say how I got my limp. I doubt he knew, but still. I couldn't bear not saying anything so I spoke up. "I can hear every word you bloody shanks are saying," I declared. There were a few scruffles and grunts and finally Tommy said "okay." "Good night, ya shanks," I smirked to the darkness, and turned around. "Night," came Thomas' voice. "Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Chuck giggled. "You're so bloody annoying," I complained. I sank my head to the grass and pulled up my blanket. I closed my eyes, and after a while I fell asleep. Everything was normal and okay.

The next day I awoke before everyone else, as usual. The doors were still firmly shut. "Tommy," I shook him until he woke. He didn't have a shirt on, and his skin was warm. He groaned and looked up at me. "What, don't like seeing me first thing on the wake up?" I asked. His face showed a faint trace of a smile. "I wanna show you something," I told him. He slowly got up and followed me to a glass window. "Look," I ordered. He put his pretty face up against the window and recoiled in shock. "What is that?" Tommy asked, sounding scared. "We call them Grievers," I explained, "and they are the ones that caused Ben to look like that." "What's out there?" Tommy asked me, seemingly curious as to where these jelly monsters of death came from. "The Maze," I said, "No one has survived a night in there." "What happens to them?" he asked me with wide eyes. I glanced up in annoyance. How could this shank be so wonderful and stupid at the same time? I wanted to shake him and shout "What do you think happens to them?!? I told you that no one survives, which means they DIE, Tommy. You bloody idiot." But I couldn't bring myself to do that. In the mean time, the bloody idiot had found something else to catch his attention. "What's that?" he pointed at a red light. "A beetle blade, sent to spy on us by WICKED," I told him. "Let's go back," I suggested and he reluctantly came. As he turned, I saw his bare back muscles and almost reached out to stroke them. But the moment passed and we returned to the spot, where Tommy went back to sleep, miraculously, and I simply sat, waiting for the Glade to wake.

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