Chapter 2

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Erik and I go sit out in the garden, after he gets changed into some fresh sleep pants and new shirt. His hair been washed and cut short like he had it before. His legs aren't strong enough to walk, so he has to be pushed around in a wheelchair.

The garden quite, yard lights are on, lightning bugs fly around blinking on and off. The flowers sway slowly in the wind. "So you got married, when I was asleep, hu?" there no bitter in his voice, he just sounds lost.

Looking down at my ring, I feel the heat rush to my face. Twisting the ring around on my finger, I think back to the wedding. "It was a beautiful wedding."

He shakes his head. "So where is he?"

And just like that, it feels like a bucket of ice water has been dumped on me. "There was a fight in the training grounds that got out of hand. He went in to split it up and he got run threw with a sword."

"He didn't heal?"

Shaking my head no, I go on with what happened. "I tried to turn him into one of us, but it didn't work. It slowed the wound down, but he was still dying. The healers tried their best, but in the end I made the choice to freeze him. His heart is still pumping, but that's the only part of him that moves of course."

"Do you think he can hear you, when you talk to him?"

"I would like to think so, but I'm not sure. I try to go to him every other night, just to spend time with him, but it's sometimes hard to force myself to go to him." Looking over at him, he's looking at me and I truly hate to admit it to myself, but I like Erik right now more then I ever have. It's like sleeping for so long, has changed him. But he's only been a wake for a couple hours, who's to say he won't turn back into a jackass.

He looks away from me and looks up at the stars, his face relaxed and his eyes look like he is far away from here. "I remember you talking to me as I slept. You would tell me to stop being lazy and get my ass up or you would tell me some sort of news. Who we lost and who had joined our ranks. I even remember you telling me about Raff, the guy that you changed." He looks over at me. "But you never told me why you did that."

Shrugging my shoulders, I lean against the bench back. "It was the right thing to do, he was dying, and I had seen him around town. Far as I could tell he was a good guy." He raises his eyebrow at me. "Latterly the town hasn't grown hardly any since you've been asleep, so it's easy to remember the faces."

"What happened to him?"

"Gun shot to the chest, help wasn't going to get there in time. I seen it when I was out with the others making sure that the town was safe from outsiders that might want to harm anyone. Some of the other's were with me, they took care of the guys that hurt him and I turned him." Rubbing my wrist, I can't help but think for a minute of my own turning and how much different it was to Raff's.

He doesn't say anything, he's now focused on the ground. "I guess I'll have to turn someone soon then." He whispers.

As heads of the House, it's more then a right to turn someone else Immortal. We need someone to pass the house on to if anything would happen. But that's with one head of House. With two, the rules are different, one or both of us can change someone, but the more people we change, the long it takes to recover. "Don't rush it, you've just woken up."

"Michael would expect me to change someone soon as possible." He tells me.

"That's just Michael though, you have to remember how old he is compared to us. He's in the old world of thinking, you know that as well as I do."

"And him wanting me to challenge you for the house? Is that his old world of thinking to?"

"It is and you know it. The last time two heads of House Hold challenge was when we were young and even back then the rules were different on combat; the old swords and other weapons were used. Now we have the weapons that glow and can do more damage then the old weapons."

He looks at me, and his next words make me remember the old Erik. The Erik that I grew to hate so much, because everything had to be his. "I think you need to step down and let me take charge. Go be with darling husband as much as you can, you would do him more good then you can do the house, now that I'm awake."

I won't say I'm sorry for what came over me and I won't lie, there a small part of me that enjoyed it when my fist made contact with his face and sent him flying. Erik lays in the flowers that thrive on the moonlight. I can see where I stand his lip is bleeding when he tries to sit up. "Every time that man came around in the past, you became more of an ass, like proving something wasn't good enough, you just had to go the extra ten miles to pass what he wanted. Nothing changed in that area, I can see that plane as the night sky. I won't agree to a fight or to step down; I'll give you a couple days to recover, get your head out of your ass and we'll talk about this again at a later day."

Turning with my back to him, I start to walk back, but I stop when he says his next words. "Evy, before everything happened and I wanted you to marry me, it was Michael idea for the marriage. If I talk to him, he might change his mind about the challenge idea, if I tell him we are to get married."

The next thing that happened, so fast and so swift, the battle dance imprinted in our minds overtakes both of us. I pull a dagger from my boot and throw it at him. He gets up with great speed, grabs it and is behind me before I can blink. He holds the blade to my throat, but I dare not move right away, the acid from the blade can burn my skin and kill me if the color was red. But this blade is blue, but it doesn't change anything that I make my blades sharp as possible. "I'm still weak, but not as you would think. Think about it Evy, that's all I'm saying." He whispers.

Gritting my teeth, I pull the rod that's on my other hip out of the holder and press on a small button making it grow. I get it behind his leg and hit him in the back of the knee with it. Ducking away from the blade and his falling body, I press another button and both ends become scythe's, his weapon of choice. He tried to get the nickname The Grim Reaper among our ranks when we were younger, but it never fit with him, because he's to much of a hot head pain in the ass. With me though, it fits, because I don't put up with anything that could endanger any of us and those that live outside our walls in the town. "I want you to think this over Erik, for fifty years, I've been in charge, I've watched over our people. No one has changed their ideal of you, your still a prick that doesn't think for himself. At least with me, I can think for myself and I look for ever point of view I can think possible to keep our lives going. You are a Knight of the House like you always have been, protecting it of those that might destroy it, but you don't watch over our people like you should have."

Turning away from him, I hear him scrabble to get up. "And what about you? Are you the one that collects the souls that you don't think are worthy to be in these walls?! Are you the Queen of death now, just like your Maker?!"

Gripping the scythe, I will myself not to kill him. "All I am is the one that swings the scythe around. That's all, I'm not special like you Erik, I can't do what you can do." I can feel him smile behind me, the smile makes my shiver. "Shut up and get back to your room, I'm more then sure you can find it on your own." Then I walk away from him.

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