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"I was just trying to talk to my friend's friend."Liu reassured the jock who looked furious.

"Leave him alone Phil."Rema hissed at him as she helped Liu up

"I'm sorry about Phil,we dated for like two weeks before I broke it up with him.Mostly because he is possessive and hard headed."Rema told him in a tone like she had said it a thousand times.

"You even asked me to stay away from Rim because she was rumored to be dating a monkey."Rema snapped at Phil who sighed.

"He is a monkey Rema,what do you expect?"Phil asked her making her draw out her claws.

"He is a monkey Rema,what do you expect?"Phil asked her making her draw out her claws

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"Get away from my line of sight."Rema hissed as Phil's friends dragged him away

Rema composed herself and everyone continued to what they were doing pretending that the fight that was about to broke out never happened.

"I'm sorry about Phil once more."Rema sighed as she bowed

Liu got to inspect her her that shined and was the same colour of the silver moon in the sky.

She was undeniably attractive

"Rim and Miyo told me things about you,don't worry they weren't bad things."Liu told her as she smiled.

"I've heard of you too...the little brother to the best inventor of the Bug tribe."she said while he nodded his head.

"I know your sister Sean,Rim and I were shopping for metal and other things she needed for her project when she approached us and asked if we needed help.That's how we met but we never saw each other again."Rema told him as he was confused oh why they never talked again.

"This tribe has strict and severe rules so we must follow them for our well being,to this day this tribe still holds those supposed golden rules."Rema sighed.

Ariona was flying through the tribe with Icina who spread snowflakes onto the sky making it rain snowflakes.

"She's preparing for the Autumn,she does this everyday to give a sign for Nivaria and the other gods."Rema stated.

Rema dragged Liu out of the house and they climbed the building before sitting on the roof.

"Could you tell me on how you met Rim though? You guys seemed to be close friends."Liu asked as Rema nodded

Rema played with her claws that had scraps of gold covering it,she continued scrapping onto a piece until it fell off.

"During my first year in college,Rim was my roommate.nice girl and pretty shy but she learned how to be the cool cat around.We had lots of  things in common and we were actually in the same high school,One day got blasted by red smoke and I woke up in a tank full of red water with a mask covering me.Before I was stuck in my own head all I saw was an ugly ass impala who looked like he could be hit with only one swing and a peacock."

"I thought peacocks were extinct but they weren't."Rema sighed remembering the hard times and the cage made out of black thorns.

Liu kept quiet and listened to her every word,she has had a hard life and she's probably just going to waste it away if she doesn't make or have any more friends besides Rim.

She's popular but that doesn't mean she has lots of friends

"Can I be your friend?"

The Boy With Glasses (A Liu x Rema story)Where stories live. Discover now