▪︎<~Chapter 2~>▪︎

Start from the beginning

My dramatic emotional thoughts was interrupted by my stomach growling signing that im hungry. I went to the back where Tony is. I was about to shout his name until I saw he's on the phone with someone. Once he saw me he held up his index finger in front him signing for me to wait. I closed my mouth so that there's no flies flying in my mouth cause I don't want that to happen.

"Wait so you're saying that YOU need my help?...okay sure..when?...tomorrow. okay sure. Bye." He ended the call. "Yes,Miss Grady how can I help you?" Crossing his arms and standing straight like I just interrupted some important meeting and I think I sense some annoyance in that tone of his. And im a bit terrified cause I hate making him feel uncomfortable.

"Im hungry right now and I just wanna ask you if I can leave early? If that's okay with you? You don't actually mind right? I mean. Im the only teenager here." I said with a lace of hope then nervously laughs after that.

'Please say yes. Please say yes.' I thought.

He looked at me,thinking whether to let me go or not then nodded. I jumped as in excitement and hug him which he returns with a warm hug I always love. He rarely let me leave early. "Thank you thank you THANK YOUUU. You're the best!" He chuckled and I packed up my things and get out before he changes his mind.

I went outside to see the beautiful sun is setting. I checked my watch to see it's already 6 O'clock. I sighed.

'Time to give them a little visit..' I thought.


I walked to Gotham's Cemetery before stopping by at a florist shop and bought Red Roses for them. Now it'salready dark. That means sirens are going to be heard. Drunk people walking around. Thugs robbing people's things. Robbers trying to rob the bank. Most importantly,vigilantes wander around trying to protect the city. That also means,Batman or Robin might come out and play around with them.

I stopped at my parents grave. I still have that depressed feeling inside of me. The feeling of nothing. The feeling of unsafe. It feels like the most important people in your life just got ripped off from your soul or maybe half of your soul has been taken by the evils. Thinking of it,a tear slid down my cheek. Then,more tears came. I sobbed a little. My nose became stuffy. So I had to breathe using my mouth. The lump in my throat when I say something made my voice crack,trying to hold back tears from coming out of my eyes. But I failed. So I just let them out 'cause I dont care. Im tired of holding them back. If they want to go out and spill,go ahead. Im ready for it.

"Hi mom..dad..how are you? I hope both of you are doing fine up there.." I take a shaky deep breath before continuing. "I came here to tell you guys how my day was today..well-" I sniffed my now stuffed nose that I cant even breathe and let out a sob. "As usual. I got bullied now. But that's because you guys are not here with me. Im not blaming you guys. It's my fault. I shouldn't have gone out. I should've listen. But I didn't. Now look what God pay me back.." my starts to crack as I started to remember that night. "But don't worry. I can protect myself. I have Tony with me. He can keep me safe. He could teach me how to fight.. if he wants to. Then,I'd be safe again. Im a big girl now..I'll sing you the song you guys sang to me when I was small."

Remember Me,
Though I have to say goodbye,Remember Me,
Don't let it make you cry,
For even if Im far away,
I hold you in my heart,
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.

Remember Me,
Though I have to travel far,Remember Me,
Each time you hear a sad guitar,
Know that Im with you the only way that I can be,until you're in my arms again,

Remember Me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out crying. Let all the tears out from my eyes. I'll cry until I have No Tears Left To Cry. So this is what I always do.


After I cried for god knows how long. I walked back home. Our tiny little cozy house or a cabin in the woods. I sniffed and wiped my tears using my sleeves. Walked inside. I went to my room changing to my pyjamas and drift to a peaceful sleep after what happened today.

Little did she know that someone's watching her since her parents died..

Sooooo who's watching her?

Did I make you guys cry? Not yet? Well. It's my first time soo I dont know how to make anyone cry. In a good way. Or sad way.

Some ideas and feedbacks might be useful. Did you enjoy it? I've been writing this chapter for a few days and TODAY im posting it. Hope yall doing great. Speaking of depression,if y'all have them or y'all have any problems. You guys can talk to me. Dont worry. I dont bite. Im gentle. I dont know if you guys might cry if y'all talk to me cuz my friends(in real life) some of them have a sickness or a personal health problem etc. They talked to me and then they said they cried reading my messages that I sent them cuz they said it was so meaningful,emotional and heart-touching. I dont know why I have this effect on people. Im known as 'The Therapist' in my own little group,The Losers Group/Club. So yeah. Feel free to talk to me <3

Stay Traught,Stay Whelmed,Dont Cut💕
-naomi <3

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