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I opened my eyes and looked around I was no longer in the filthy bloody room, but instead in a relatively clean room that didn't reek of decaying flesh, a few dust bunnies, and a hill of dirty cloths, I soon try to lift myself up yet when I tried I felt a wave of pain on my arms, looking down I saw the stitches and remembered what he had done to me, at that moment I quickly looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing what seem to be a pair of soft cotton pajama pants covered in little cartoon pigs "kinda ironic ain't it" I said to myself.

I looked around the room once more to try to find a mirror although the only ones around was faced towards the wall, I assumed that since my arms weren't going to corroborate neither would my legs, I fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling and started to question my life and what will happen to me now knowing I'll be alive a lot longer then expected.

As I stared into the peeling ceiling I heard heavy footsteps approach my door, for a moment I considered hiding under the blankets like a child yet seeing what I've seen such things don't work on this monster, before I could think of another plan I heard him knock on the door and wait, "um come in?" Stupid impulse now he knows I'm awake and alive, the door swings open and I see Tommy holding what looks to be a bowl "sorry big guy I don't really eat that kinda on a no human diet" he took a moment a shook his head he then walked up to me a set the bowl on a night stand that was next to the bed he then grabbed the sheets and peeled them back until my legs were shown "I know I need to build my strength, but I can't bring myself to eat hu.." I felt him touch my thigh with his finger I looked down and saw he was pointing at the cartoon pig that was on the pajamas "yeah it's a pig, it's something I'm willing to eat" he then pointed back at the bowl on the night stand "are you saying that If I don't eat it I'll end up a stew like some sort of pig?!" He was taken a back by my sudden raised voice, he then growled at me like a dog and shook his head, he then pointed at the cartoon pig and made a stirring motion and pointed once more at the bowl "wait are you saying that the stew is just pig, no humans?" He quickly gave a nod and a noise of approval "oh well thank you again I suppose um I kinda can't move my arms without being in pain so do you know" he looked kinda confused "I'm asking if you could feed me, my arms just don't feel up to it today" he looked at me for about two minutes reached over to grab the bowl of pig stew and sat beside me and spoon fed me the stew slowly.

"The moment my arms finish healing I'm going to teach you how to cook something better than this" the soup was actually just a bit of cooked pig in a bowl of water a vegetable with absolutely no seasoning, while he fed me I could help, but stare at his figure he was actually quite built his arms and body just screamed pure testosterone, he wasn't in his usual get up instead of his bloody apron, stained pants and worn out boots he instead wore a dingy t-shirt, semi dirty paints that looked like other pants were just stitched together to make it it also looked newly made since in some places the seams were sticking out and I could hear tiny tears while he moved, and he was wearing some very beat up sneakers, I hadn't noticed, but I was getting hard and was currently at a semi "um Tommy listen thank you for the meal, but I really need some sleep" I didn't wait for any form of response and turned away and pretended to fall asleep.

leatherface x Male survivorsWhere stories live. Discover now