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"okay everyone, one, two, three, and four, five, six, seven and eight!" ms. kang shouted, the dance room echoing as we all swung our hair, twirled in the air, and let sweat roll down our foreheads as our feet danced in rhythm to the loud music.

"got it!" we shouted in unison as ms. kang clapped her hands and quickly turned off the music.

we heaved and sat down on the floor,
squirting water into our mouths.

"you girls did great today, our time is
up and you can head back to your dorms or stay for a bit and practice or talk in such, i do have a few notes to give you all though,"
she told us with a smile, "lalisa you did amazing with all the choreography except each time you were late when we turned, just try and fix that and you'll be good. jennie you kick your leg up a little late and accidentally bumped into jisoo a couple times so try your best to practice that and correct it. chaeyoung your formations were good and pretty much nothing was wrong except when you pop your hip out you go a little to aggressive and it looks messy. jisoo you are late with the timing with the chest pump, swinging your hair, getting up off the floor, and you have little to no expression in your face. you also have to stop slipping when you pop out your hand. other than that your great! thanks girls and practice what i told you!"
she quickly left the room.

i swear she hates me.

i sighed and let myself fall to the floor
completely and poured some water
onto my face, god why can't i just be
able to dance like lalisa.

"hey it's okay, practice makes
perfect, right?" chaeyoung
said to me.

she's trying to cheer me up,
i know she is but it just doesn't work.

"yeah, i guess."

"hey sorry for bumping
into you during practice
a couple times. i keep slipping."
jennie slightly smiled to me

"it's okay," i smiled to her.
i can feel my face get hot
and my eyes get blurry, im
about to cry, "i'm gonna go
ahead and leave, okay?"

i quickly get up and wipe my
eyes before tears start to stream down
my face.

i open the door to the dance room
and dash out, grabbing my backpack
and phone from the chair beside the door.

i scurry through the hallway,
almost reaching the door before
i bump into my vocal coach.

"oh my god i'm so sorry!"

he says, he then looks up
and notices it's me.

"no no it's my fault."
i smile to him before i
try and push past him
to the door.

"oh jisoo! hey before you
leave i was going to talk
to you about your latest
recording. your vocals
are a little weak and shaky
and i could teach you a few
exercises to help you with that."

i stop in my tracks and turn to him,
"sure! i'll try them later but i really have to go!"

i turn around and push through the door,
i feel like my throat is closing up.
i cant breathe. my eyes are so blurry.

i cant dance or sing, huh?

walking out the door tears stream
down my face, mixing with my sweat.

running quickly up a spiral set
of stairs i take out my keys and unlock
the door.

i throw down my backpack and
let broken sobs escape my mouth.

my shorts flow between my thighs
as my feet pad through my room,
followed by me jumping on my bed
and sobbing into my pillow.

after minutes and minutes of
me crying and hyperventilating
into my pillow i flip myself over,
my dried tears clash with the cold
air and makes my face feel dirty and

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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