Chapter 12: Connection

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"Do you love him?" I ask pacing my office.

"What?" she asks confused.

"You heard me Jordan."

"No, absolutely not Benny" she sighs, "at some point I thought I was, but I know now that you don't treat someone you love like that."

"Then why are you letting him win?" I take my seat next to her. "Every day that you let him over power you or get his way he wins. Every time you mark your beautiful skin because of him he wins. He doesn't have to put forth any fucking effort and he controls every aspect of your life Jordan why?"

She sobs, "I don't know! I'm sorry."

I wipe her tears, "there's nothing to be sorry about. You are better than that beautiful and so much stronger."

She looks up at me, "I'm trying benny."

"I know" I sigh, "let's get you home." I clean up before leading her out my office. I don't know how much longer I can contain my anger and I don't want her to bare witness to it. She's in a fragile state right now.

"I'll talk to you later okay" I say once we've reached her door.

She looks up at me innocently, "you're not mad at me Benny, right?"

I lean down kissing her softly before placing my forehead against hers. "I could never be mad at you for something you had no control over. I apologize if I gave you that impression. Thank you for opening up to me. I know how painful that must've been."

"You're welcome" she smiles weakly, "how are you going to get back to your car?"

I smirk, "I'm a vampire beautiful" I give her a wink before running back to my office. I get into my car pulling off to my next destination. It's my turn to handle the little shit. He fucked up and he constantly wants her to pay for it. I sit in my car waiting for the perfect moment. It comes when he runs to his car.

"Grant" I say walking over to him.

He looks up, "do I know you?"

I smirk, "no but I know you." I send a blow to his face before tossing him on his car. "This is my only warning, stay the fuck away from Jordan."

"Fuck you" he spits blood my way.

I hit him again, "that's fucking disrespectful, but can't expect much from a punk bitch. You loved a girl you couldn't handle loving that not her fucking fault. Stay the fuck away from her."

How the hell does he know. His thoughts seep in.

I smirk, "don't worry about it. I suggest you leave what's mine alone before you end up missing."

I hit him in the stomach before dropping him going back to my car. You have to be beyond sick in the fucking head to continue to torment your victim. He's a young ass boy who doesn't know how to handle his feelings. He loves a girl that he shouldn't and can't love but instead of telling her and addressing his feelings he breaks her down every chance he gets. As if doing the shit is going to make his feelings change. I know because I was him at a certain point in my life. All it did was make the girl hate me and herself. I walk into the room to see Chauncey lying on the bed.

"Hey, you're home early."

"Yeah" I go into the bathroom stripping out of my clothes.

"Is there a reason for that?"

"Had lunch with Jordan and couldn't work after." I turn the shower on.

"What happened?"

"Not my business to tell Chase."

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