The new mission

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Arthur's POV

After my short time at the gunship admiring Coruscant we landed in front of the Jedi temple. Every time I was in front of the temple It always got me short of breath because I knew would be another challenge that would be given for me. And I love it. I really love my job and I trust on myself and into my squad. But my thoughts got cut by the pilot that said for me: "Good luck commander! Make us proud! And kill some sepies for me sir." I look back to the clone pilot and answered him: " I'll do. And thank you for the ride trooper." He nodded and took off. After I watched the gunship flying away I started my way into the stairs of the temple, shortly after I got on the top of the stairs a young Jedi asked for me "What is your business here trooper ?" I saluted her but before I could answer the 501 captain answered for me "Relax General Tano. This commander Arthur. He's from the Black Spartan legion the best of the best" after he gave me a quick salute he continued "He also the commander of the delta squad the best squad on the entire army" but before he could keep talking Ashoka said "I never heard about this legion before Rexter" and she turned for me saying "Commander Arthur right?" I nodded and she continued "Why I never heard about your legion or your Squad?" I stood in attention and saying with my proudest voice "General Tano we are the Special Ops. Because of that almost nobody knows about us. And any Separatist know us. Every time we do a mission any wittiness is alive for tell the story" after a short break I said " Not even the chanceler knows about us. That's because we are loyal only for the Jedi Council ma'am." Rex looked at Ashoka and continue "This Black Spartan legion is in the TOP 5% of the entire army. And the Delta Squad are the TOP 1%. They are legends!" he finished. Ashoka had a confused and surprised look on her face but before she could ask anything else General Skywalker opened the dor. Me and Rex stood in attention and saluted him.

"At easy Rex and Commander Arthur" He grim. Ashoka with even more surprised face asked Anakin "I'm the only one here that don't know about Arthur?" General Skywalker answered with a laugh and said "He is from the Special Ops and..." Ashoka a little annoyed cut her master and continued "No one supposed to know about then. They are the best. Yea I know that. Rexter here already told me about him!" With a short break she continued "Can we please go do whatever the Commander is here for I'm curious about him" Skywalker quickly said "Even with your new promotion for General and you being knighted you still don't have any patient!" After he gave a look for Ashoka he turn to me and continued "Please Commander fallow me Master Yoda and Master Windu are waiting for you" I saluted General Ashoka and taped Rex shoulder and whispered for him "Good to see you again Rex ol'boy" And I give a few steps and said in a really low whisper "You already made a move on her ? Because y'all fit each other" he turned back to face me and nodded. At that moment happiness fill my body and I gave a node for him that means well done vode. And I picked up my pace to get to General Skywalker but not before I could hear Ashoka Yelling At Rex saying "Why I'm always the last one to know this kinda things ? And what this little nodes and whispers was about?" I made a quick note on my head to not do that again in front of Ashoka because I really didn't want to get Rex ol'boy in trouble again.

After I got side by side to the General he asked "So Arthur, what this new mission of yours is about?" And answered "I don't have a clue General Skywalker. General yoda didn't say a word just asked to meet him here Sir." He nodded and said with a little jealous on his voice "You guys always get all the dangerous mission" before I could say anything he continued "You guys of the Special Ops are lucky. Hopefully one day we can fight together" I nodded and answered "Would be a honor to fight at you side General" we stoped in front of the Jedi council dor and I saluted General Skywalker And He did a small bow and walked away. I took a long breath and opened the dor.

I stepped in and saw Masters Yoda, Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shaak ti and Plo Koon. I stood in attention and saluted at the same time I said "Generals, it's a honor be here again." After all the Generals give me short bow General yoda said "See you again good it's , Commander Arthur. But the hardest mission you faced so far I'm afraid you have"

I hope y'all are enjoying so far! If y'all have any questions please comment and I'll make sure to answer! And don't forget to leave a vote. It always helps a lot!

The next chapter will be up soon! Again don't forget to read AlphaMidnigh books because in the future you will need it to understand the story! See y'all in a while! Arthur out.

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