Whisper turned slowly

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Whisper turned slowly, wiping the tears from her eyes.

There was a woman standing a few feet from her. It was a face that looked familiar.

"You look like my mother."


The woman smiled.

"I am your mother, Whisper."


Whisper shook her head.

"No. You are not my mother. You just look like her."


The woman nodded.

"My name is Evangelita. I am your mother and I am the mother of all. Including your mother."


Whisper was speechless. As her mind continued to fill with her past, this woman cam to her.

Could this possibly be the Mother? The one Mother?


The woman walked forward and extended her hand to Whisper.

"Rise child."


Whisper got to her feet, still holding the woman's hand.


"You can call me Eve."


"Like the garden of Eden?" Whisper wondered.


She nodded, smiling.

"If that is how you want to see me, then that is how you will see me."


"Can you see me?" Whisper asked of her, as she let go her hand.

"I could not see myself."


"Of course I can see you child. I have been waiting for you."


"I cannot see myself," Whisper repeated. "I looked in a mirror and there was nothing."


"I assure you, child. I can see you."


Eve's words resonated.

"You said you have been waiting for me?"


Eve smiled.

"I have, child. And to answer your question, you cannot see yourself because it is not time yet. There is much that has to happen first."

Eve hugged Whisper.


Whisper felt warm. Safe.

"You are a good woman."


Eve smiled.

"You have Zeke's ability to determined evil and good."



Whisper smiled. "My brother. I have a brother Zeke."

Whisper stood back.

"You know of my brother?"


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