Chapter 16: Screw You, EJ!

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I could not believe what I was seeing. BEN was in a corner scared and EJ was tied down on his bed. I have no idea who was on top of EJ but it is a girl. Both EJ and the girl is naked. They were both moaning too. I screamed and EJ looked at me. The girl looked at me too and smiled. She continued to grind into EJ. BEN ran out of the room and I followed. I could not believe my eyes. Why have I not had a vision of this? I ran down the stairs and outside into the woods. I started crying and found my way to Sparda's grave. I curled up around the cross and cried. I heard EJ call my name so I went to my cave that's in the cliff. I saw Splendorman, Trendyman, and Offenderman in the cave, but I didn't care. I hid in the darkest area of the cave. I still had my hammer so I started hitting myself with it.

Splendor: Don't do that, child. Tell us, what's wrong?

I just glared at him but stopped hitting myself with my hammer. Even though it's cold out, the anger that is rushing through me is keeping me warm. They gathered around me asking what's wrong and I didn't say anything. Offenderman got really close to me.

Offender: If you don't tell us what's wrong, I will pull off your clothes.


I got up and ran to the mouth of the cave. I then flew out of it. I got so high in the sky I couldn't see anything but clouds below me. I decided to yell.


I then thought I felt something grab my wings so I stopped beating my wings. I then fell. I crashed into the ground infront of the mansion. I got up and flew to the balcony outside my room. I went into my room and got out a pocket knife. I held it to my arm and then was about to cut when the door opened.

Jeff: STAR! NO!

Jeff took the knife away from me. I looked at him and his eyes were back to normal. I went over to my bed and curled up on it. Jeff took the knife to his room and came back. I heard EJ call through my bedroom door and Jeff opened the door. EJ tried to come through but Jeff stopped him.

Jeff: EJ, you have broke Starfire's heart. Now go away!

EJ: I won't go away until I apologise to Star.

Me: Screw you, EJ! Fuck you too! Leave me alone!

I heard Jeff and EJ growl at each other then I heard footsteps absconding from my room. My eyes were still puffy from crying. Slenderman came in and saw Jeff standing in my room. He had a pile of my clothes in his hands. He opened the drawers on my dresser and put them in the right spot and left. I slowly got up and followed Slender out of the room. I followed him downstairs into the kitchen. He started making supper. He noticed me but didn't say anything. I sat in a chair that's in the kitchen. Apparently he knew what happened. He pulled out a cheesecake from the fridge and cut a slice. He put the cheesecake back in the fridge and handed the cheesecake slice to me. I slowly ate the cheesecake and thought about what happened.


Ok, here is the end of that cliffhanger last chapter. Yep. EJ found a way to break up with me, so fuck him and screw him all to hell. See ya in the next chapter.


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