Chapter 2: Its the Creepypastas!!!!!!

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I woke up in a abandoned house. I had a flashback to what happened. I keep wondering why I'm still alive. I touched my neck and it was still bleeding. I left the house and started walking down the road. I went back to town and headed to my home. I lived in a apartment without my parents or sister because they had died in a car accident. I have no idea how I was the lucky one. Would it be because of the motorcyclists thought that I was dead in the backseat? Oh well, who cares besides being alone? I went inside my apartment and grabbed a jacket that has a hood that zipped up in the front and has places for the eyes. I put that on and didn't zip it up completly. I grabbed some more money from my penny bank in the house and went walking. I walked along the sidewalk that went by the stores. I heard a tv talking. I looked at the tv store next to me and saw me there. It showed my neck being cut like it is. They say that I might be dangerous so stay away from me. I looked around and saw people staring at me and has a wide area around me. I quickly zipped up the jacket hood and walked to a game store. There was people in there but they didn't see who I was so they wern't concerned. I went to a isle and looked at the gory war games. There was a boy beside me. He picked up a game and handed it to me. I looked at it. It was Halo.

Me: I played Halo a hundred times already.

Boy: Well, I don't think you can beat me, now can you?

I looked at him and just stared at him through the holes on my jacket. Oh. My. God. Its Ben Drowned.

Me: I know you. Your BEN Drowned. I'm Starfire Robinson.

BEN: *snickers* yeah, I am. Why are you covering your face?

Me: *looks at the ground* I don't wanna say.....

BEN: *lifts up my head. Unzips the hood to where it shows my neck and pushes the hood off of my head* Oh, thats why....

Everyone around us started screaming. I looked around then quickly put up the hood and zipped it up. I ran out of the store and all the way to my apartment without breaking a sweat. I sat down heavly on the couch infront of the tv. I turned it on and started playing BioShock. This is my 99th time playing it. I don't go to school because I don't have enough money to enroll me in the local high school so I don't go to school anymore. If I did go to school, I would be a freshman, but I don't. I don't even want to be in public anymore. On the game I went to a big daddy with a little sister, but the little sister wasn't a little sister. It was Link from the Ledgend of Zelda, but it wasn't Link. The boy turned twoards the screen and the screen started fizzing. I saw BEN climb out of the tv screen. He came over and sat down next to me.

BEN: Starfire, why did you leave the game store?

Me: Because of the people screaming because of me. I'm not going out in public again.

BEN: Well, do you want to come with me somewhere?

Me: Sure, as long as there is no one else there that will scream and run from me. Wait, do you know why I didn't die?

BEN: *looks at me* Its because your a Creepypasta like me. *takes my hand and then went over to the tv* hold on to me, ok?

Me: Ok BEN

We went through the tv and then out another tv. We were in a different living room. I looked around and I saw Slenderman playing with Sally.

Me: Slenderman! Sally!

They turned and looked at me. Jeff, Masky, Hoodie, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack walked into the room. I unzipped the hood and let the hood fall off my face. I unzipped the jacket to where it is open. I decided to touch my neck. Yep, still bleeding.

EJ: BEN, who is this?

LJ: hehehehe, a new Creepypasta! I'm Laughing Jack

Me: I'm Starfire Robinson. I was killed last night by a rapist. *flashback and my eyes start filling with tears*

Jeff: Don't cry, Starfire. BEN brought you here so you can be safe. To have revenge on Thomas Jones, you need to have a special weapon that you use alot. What did you use alot at home?

Me: I didn't really use alot at home. I've been bacically starving myself because of my parents and sister dying in a car crash. *puts up the hood and try to zip it back up but EJ stops me*

EJ: Don't. You look pretty like that. *there was oohs around the room. EJ moves his mask enough just to show his mouth and he smiles*

Me: Thanks EJ.

Slenderman: You are very skinny. Do you want something to eat?

Me: No thank you *secretly saying that I'm still starving myself*

Sally: Starfire! Starfire! Wanna play with me?

Me: What do you want to play?

Sally: *laughs* soon you will know *takes my hand and leads me away*


 Hey guys! I think this chapter is alittle longer than the first chapter. I hope your happy. After Chapter 4 you guys can start leaving sugestions in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

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