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A shambling figure who was struggling to keep himself together was on his last legs this person was thought to be dead but he managed to find a way to keep his form together as each step he took parts of him were crumbling away he was bound to the world of the living by one thing and one thing only.
The person who still kept on going no matter what to his destination The Hidden Leaf Village.
"Almost there."
Said the man as he continued to walk for a few more minutes until he deemed he was close enough to the front gates.
"Man I'm bored."
Izumo said as he was fiddling with his phone
"Then just download a game on your phone or something to keep you busy during our shift."
Kotetsu didn't want to admit but he was bored too as he kept on looking at Forest but then he saw the robed figure  approaching towards their direction, so the man nudged his friend.
"What is it, Kotetsu?"
"Izumo look."
Izumo's eyes focused on the clock figure as the person kept on getting closer
Kotetsu, what's with that guy over there?"
"I don't know but he looks sketchy, keep on guard."
The two gate guards drew their weapons and approached the robed figure.
"Good they noticed me, better make this quick."
Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation!
Eight coffins popped out from the ground and the lids of each coffin fell off to reveal several members of the long since diestablished Akatsuki.
"Are those...the Akatsuki!"
Izumo said surprised.
"This is Kotetsu calling for back up at the gate!"
Yelled the shinobi on his phone.
"Naruto then showed up a few seconds later alongside Kakashi and several other Jonin class ninja.
"Who are you and what are you planning!"
Shouted the Hokage.
"Naruto...that really is you did become the Hokage...good."
Naruto looked at the figure curiously.
"What are you talking about....who are you?"
Naruto asked the mysterious figure again.
The robed person pulled off his hood to reveal it was Obito, whom of which body was crumbling away.
"Obito!?,  You're supposed to be dead."
Kakashi said surprised
"I was Kakashi, but I have to right one last wrong ."
Obito did another series of handsigns.
Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth.
The bodies of the Akatsuki members went from being ash to flesh and blood again but this caused Obito's body to deteriorate faster and the man fell to his knees.
Kakashi rushed to his friends side.
"Don't waste your time on a dead man Kakashi."
Obito slowly did more handsigns and he then bit his finger and rubbed some of his blood on the ground.
Summoning Jutsu: Pheonix of Samsara.
A giant ash cloud covered the area and once the ash clouds settled there was a giant golden pheonix flying above Obito.
"Nagato, Konan, Hidan, Itachi, Kakuzu, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, reduce the bearer of these names to ash!"
The golden bird blast a stream of flames on to the aforementioned Akatsuki setting the members ablaze and quickly reducing the members to ash.
"It is done."
Obito's body turned to dust and he remains was carried off by the wind.
"What in the world."
Izumo was confused by the events that just transpired.
"He just revived the Akatsuki...just to kill them again.
Naruto asked as he look over at Kakashi whom of which was just as dumbfounded by the event that just took place.
There was nothing but silence for one minute but then the silence was broke when the cremated remains of the Akatsuki members started shifting.
"Everyone it's not over yet!"
Naruto shouted this caused everyone to go on the defensive ready for what may happen.
After few moments something emerged from the ash.
Everyone was silent as they were all shocked at what popped out of the ash pile.
"A kid?"
Naruto walked towards the black haired toddler that was looking at his surroundings curiously.
The child looked up at the man who called his name and and he raised his hands up to him wanting to be picked up.
Naruto said as he picked up the now  toddler Itachi.
"I guess this is what Obito meant by making things right."
Kakashi said as he started to relax due to the lack of danger.
Itachi tugged on Naruto's hokage cloak..
"What is it little guy."
Naruto looked down at Itachi and he saw the boy was pointing at the other ash piles as they slowly started to also rumble before finally seven other small children rose from the ash piles.
Everyone was silent.
"Yes Naruto."
"Your friend is a jerk."
Said the Hokage.
"Yeah he kinda is."
Kakashi picked up two of the children.
"Let's get them to the Hokage tower we'll figure this out."
Naruto nodded and he turned.
"Tell no one about what happened, who knows what may happen if word gets out about this.
Izumo and Kotetsu nodded in agreement
Naruto, Kakashi, and the rest of the jonin scooped up the children and they all rushed towards the Hokage tower.
"Well that's enough excitement for one shift, right Izumo."
Izumo went back inside the guard booth.
"Yeah it was."

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