Soulmate: Scenario

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I fiddled with the hem of my sweatshirt nervously.

The line of people in front of me was getting shorter and shorter as time passed.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my dark blue jeans anxiously.

Both girls and guys, teenagers to early-twenties made up the line.

I myself was somewhere on the older side of the spectrum, at twenty-two years old.

Some would say that not finding your soulmate before you reached the age of twenty was improbable, if not impossible.

Guess I was an improbable impossibility then.

My name was Haneul, which meant 'sky' in Korean. My mom told me she chose that name when I was born because of my soulmate tattoo design, which looked like a bunch of fluffy clouds twisting around each other effortlessly in an attempt to float right off my wrist.

Everyone was born with these soulmate tattoos. Unique designs etched into the skin on the inside of the right wrist of each individual, which was only matched with only one other person in the entire world. This design would later fill in and change color, when the two soulmates met in person, fading from the standard black, to whatever shade of vibrant color that best suited the personalities of the two soulmates.

My best friend Hanna and her soulmate both had matching Anthurium flowers etched into their wrists. When they had met in high-school and touched each other's wrists while meeting for the first time, the heart shaped flower had filled in with a brilliant shade of red that was absolutely breathtaking to look at.

There was an old wives tale about the color of soulmate tattoos. It was known that the color of soulmate tattoos reflected the personalities of the soulmates, but there was a superstition that some people believed, that the richer and brighter the hue of the soulmate tattoo, the happier the soulmates would be together in their lives.

I hoped for a vibrant and beautiful color just like what my best friend Hanna had with her soulmate, but at this point in my life I wouldn't care if my tattoo was filled in with an ugly black color, so long as I could just even find my soulmate.

Currently, I was twenty-two years old, I had a bachelor's degree, had a good job working as a professional photographer, I lived in a nice apartment with my mom, and my rambunctious cat Calico. I was young, healthy well-to-do, successful, and not too unattractive, but my biggest problem was that I had not found my soulmate yet.

This was a big deal because, generally, soulmates were easy to find. They were never more than a few years apart in age from each other, and were normally found within the same geographical region, making them similar in background and ethnicity for the most part.

My cousin did find his soulmate overseas while on a school trip, but she was originally from South Korea, and had moved away with her family due to her father's job.

Because of this close proximity, people would usually find their soulmates at a young age, and then grow up as close friends first, before becoming partners later in life.

In fact, two of my friends met their soulmates in kindergarten.

All of my close friends, both male and female, had already found their soulmates years ago, and I was always the odd one out whenever we would get together and hang out in our friend group.

They accepted me as I was, and thankfully never teased me about my lack of a soulmate, because they knew it was a touchy topic with me. But sometimes it hurt to see that special and close connection that they had with their soulmates while wondering if I would ever feel the same way.

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