Friday 29th March 2019

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Happy Friday peoples.

Today and yesterday have proved to be rather bad days , I'm afraid. Bleh! I did some retail therapy yesterday which helped! I got two new dark as F lipsticks and some new pens because as I'm sure fellow writers know, we go through them like candle makers go through candle wax! Today however, I got a poster that I really didn't need but wanted and it somehow found it's way into my amazon checkout. 

Now, on to the main reason I'm posting again this week, I won't be updating for a few days as I have work commitments tomorrow and family stuff on Sunday...yay...

I'll be writing on paper as per the usual but I won't be updating on here until Wednesday evening as I have a meal with work on Monday, I'm working Tuesday and I'm at the movies on Wednesday. So I just wanted to pre warn my readers.

Also, currently watching Cujo and my holy mackerel it's so slow burn! I feel so sorry for Cujo, ya know? If you haven't seen it, I suggest you stop reading now because spoilers.

The poor baby gets bitten by a bat and develops Rabies! Now if that were me I'd take him as soon as I saw he had an injury on his little nose, to the vets so they could help him but these guys just let it go on and he loses it!  But I will say that Stephen King did it again with this one, however unlike his other movies, he hasn't made his cameo appearance, that or I missed it because I was writing. So I may have missed it. But I am not restarting this movie just to see him make an appearance, it is way too slow to progress!

So that's a quick update for my absence over the next few days!

Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and I will be back on Wednesday or Thursday.

Lilly out.

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