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You ripped my wings and hung them up
Telling me to fly away

You cut my flight feathers, again whispering to me, I must fly

You broke me down and tore me apart because I wasn't your ideal

You ripped my wings and hung them up
Yet whispered to me to fly

You cut me, beat me, chained me yet without a single touch

You never dared to touch me, you knew your hands would leave scars that were going to burn

You ripped my wings and hung them up
Telling me to fly away

You knew full well I could barely walk, the pain of your harsh tongue always lapping at the open wounds

Some days you would see me as fragile, treat me with such care.

Others you would tear me down and rip me open, to try and calm your mind

You ripped my wings and hung them up, yet you whispered to me fly

You ripped my wings and hung them up, yet told me to fly away

You bruised and broke me all because I wasn't your ideal.

Yet it was you who was so imperfect.

You ripped my wings and hung them up, so maybe you one day could be enough.

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