Chapter 1

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"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard." Nico's voice became more pleading. "Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft!"


Nico had started transporting some of the families through the shadows, sending groups across the galaxy. The (very few) warriors and Heimdall wished to stay, but the civilians didn't deserve being forced to fight. Nico completed his task, and the shadows became solid. There was boom as someone banged open the door. Nico hid in the shadows.

"Did you find the civilians?" A voice shouted.

"They're not here, m'lord." A voice growled.

"Hmm... after the fight those gods and their warriors put up, I would assume that they somehow transported them elsewhere. Clever." Thanos came into view, dragging an unconscious Thor behind him. Nico's eyes widened with fear, "Though not clever enough." His hand shot out, and grabbed Nico. Nico struggled, but Thanos had a firm grip, "Tell me boy.... Where are they?" Nico bit Thanos's arm as hard as he could, making the purple giant yelp in surprise and let go. Nico immediately scrambled away, but was caught by one of Thanos's children. This time, he was being held by the hair and around the waist, "What? Are you an animal?"

Nico's eyes narrowed, "Where is Loki?"

"That doesn't matter, Child. What is your name?"

"My name is Nico." Nico decided to try to buy time, "Why does it matter to you?"

Thanos chuckled, "You're intriguing, Nico. A child with a fighting spirit."

"I've had to fight for survival. So have many others. What of it?"

"You are a child... may I ask what your position in Asgard was?"

Nico frowned, "A friend of Loki's. Where is he?"

Thanos paused, "Your friend is dead."

The demigod's eyes widened and tears fell, "No. You're lying... He couldn't.... He can't be!" His worst fears confirmed, he was released. He fell to his knees sobbing, "No... no... no... please no... I just got him back! How... how could you?"

"I'm sorry." Thanos said after a moment, sounding sincere.

"No. You're not." Nico replied.

Thanos grimaced, "You're right.... But I am sorry it had to be your... friend."

"What are you going to do with me?" Nico asked suddenly, fear in his voice.

The wielder of the infinity gauntlet seemed to think about it, "I was going to kill you but.... I rather like you.... So I think I'll leave you be... for now. As a parting gift, take your friend's brother. Perhaps he will provide comfort." They tossed a bloodied unconscious Thor to Nico's feet. 

With that Thanos and his team left, and the ship exploded. 

The Asgardian Son of Hades in Avengers: Infinity War - BOOK 4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin