Chapter 1-- Why

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Author's Note: hello and good evening to you all. This is the first chapter of the second part in the two series novel Over and Beyond. Like the first part, it is likely this one too would have not more than twenty chapters. I hope the wait has not been too long. I was trying my best to write as fast as I can and now that the wait is over I hope you enjoy the read.

In the future you are going to notice a switch to third person pov. I won't surprise you with it and I will explain the cause of it. This would only be for a few chapters in-between.

As usual I am going to try and post once in three days but it is not a steadfast rule. I will at least make sure there is a chapter to read every week. : ) so don't forget to leave a vote if you like the story and leave a comment if you have a question or a suggestion or simply just want to say something. All is and are welcome. ; )

Chapter One

The weather was colder than I had first thought when I was looking out the window from inside the house. I even had myself covered in a blanket along with a coat and yet I was feeling the cold to my bones. My ears were stinging and so was my face.

His arms came around me. "Come inside P'Arthit."

I turned but not to look at him, I was more interested in the landscape before me. I always found it strange that some places experienced snow while others don't. It was unfair because snow is beautiful, everyone should get to see it. Why should only some people see it while others have to travel long distances to see it.

They always say that the things you have end up looking less important than the things you don't have.

At one time I thought the opposite of that. I thought that what I had with Kongpob even though it was shrouded in secret and lies, was more important than anything else. I wanted to live freely with him, to love him without fear, to be accepted by those around us and now that has happened.

He pressed his cheek to mine as if he would transfer warmth to my face. "Why are you being stubborn?"

It was true that now I no longer have to hide my feelings for Kongpob, it was also true that the secret and lies have ended. So why am I like the person traveling long distance to see snow when I don't like the cold?

He released me when I pay him no mind and comes to stand right in front of me. I met his eyes straight on but I tried not to. I looked to the left, he followed, to the right, he followed.

"Why—"I was about to snap at him and he perked up with a smile starting to rise. "Go away Kongpob."

He caught my hand as I made to turn. "you still don't want to talk to me?" his voice has turned dull and was meant to pull my heart strings. "Even after all that I have done?"

By that was he referring to stalking me to my grandfather's village and staying with us even while knowing he was unwelcome? Okay not by the others but most certainly by me.

"You said you wanted to break up, you said you want to end everything," I started only for him to interrupt,

"Not for real. You know how much I love you P'Arthit."

His voice was too loud. My eyes flew to the front of our house, a small bungalow my grandfather lives with his adopted family, there was no one there.

"Lower your voice," I muttered through gritted teeth.

"Why should I," he had the guts to smile, "I'm crazy about you P'Arthit! I want the whole world to know it and never forget it."

I pinched his lips shut, "you have completely lost your mind, Kongpob."

Over and Beyond: Drowning(#2)Where stories live. Discover now