Meeting Eachother

Start from the beginning

Do you think humans are really gonna react nicely to a nearly five-foot-tall deer?

You sighed, grabbing your wallet and phone. You walked over to your brother's room and saw him sleeping. You decided to not wake him but leave a note on his dresser.

'Hey,  Jax, sorry, but I gotta go get some food. We're running out. Don't worry, I know you can handle yourself! If someone comes over, just call me, 'kay? Love you!


You placed it down and walked to the door. You stopped and took one more second to look at your brother. You had a hint of sadness, but that soon turned into anger.

"Stupid mosquitos..." you mumbled, closing the door, "Don't worry, Jax, I'll find a cure for you. Somehow..."

You remembered the mini-lab you made in your room to try to find a cure for this, 'cause you sure as heck aren't gonna let any scientists experiment on your little brother!

You went out to get your groceries. You were simply gonna go get some food and come back. Simple as that, right?

You just finished your shopping and stepped outside. That's when you saw it; about several mosquitos. The same mosquitos that made your brother what he was now.

You took out a jar and scooped them up. You took a breathe of relief.

"Looks like I've got more of 'em to test on... Well little guys, you're the ones who started this, you're gonna be the ones ending it."

You didn't notice the four shadows staring at you.


"The ones starting it? The ones ending it?"
"What did they start, and what'll they end?"
"Only one way to find out."

The turtles followed you home. You unlocked the door, but before you could step in, someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and saw four turtles wearing clothes trying to look like humans, but failing miserably.

"What d'you turtles want?" you asked, putting one hand on your hip. Three of them stiffened a bit, but the one in purple simply said, "I do not understand. We are just typical humans that need those oozsquitos for unnamed, definitely human purposes! Nailed it."

You snorted as he tried his best to 'talk like a human' , and especially when he whispered "nailed it."

"Sorry hon, but your human impression is plain terrible," you said in a not-so-sorry tone, "Also, I need these, as you call "oozsquitos" for an experiment I'm doing for my brother."

"What happened to your brother?" the one in orange asked. You froze.

"It... It's hard to explain," you said, just above a whisper.

"Then show us."

And that's how you let four mutated turtles into your house so they can meet your dear, deer brother. Much joy.

You knocked on his bedroom door. "Jax? I've got some... people I want you to meet. Don't worry, they seem to have the same problem as you. Well, at least I think."

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