"That's our cue!" Meghan is up and down by the vans before I even process she's moved and I end up cheating and getting myself down there with my powers rather than my legs.

Three others walk in on guard, swords raised and poised to attack. Inside the witches stand separated from the vampires, thanks to the four Valkyrie already inside. One of them is on the floor at their feet, and the youngest looking one kneels down, softly crying as she holds the limp hand of her fallen friend. The blood that appears in front of them tells me enough, while the vampires that now gather around the portal piece get even more tense and eager to fight.

"You are all required to offer your submission to the-" The Valkyrie I recognize from the roof starts to command, but the vampires hiss at her.

One the larger ones that had been in the tow truck moves from the others, glaring at her as he gives her a look over from head to toe. She isn't a big lady, not when compared to some of the other Valkyrie; maybe five foot five and easily a third of his size. If I were him, I'd be stupid enough to think I stood a chance though and that's where his thoughts must go as he runs at her.

"We will not-"

Her sword moves swiftly, her stance not altering as she gives him the same fate as his comrades outside. His words linger in the air a second after his physical form disappears, and the vampires pause, reassessing her and finally noticing the rest of us as we spread out. One sniffs the air, confusion clouds their faces as the study the new species in front of them.

"What are you?" The female asks, her eyes wide with fear and curiosity.

"Valkyrie." The one from the roof answers. "Now, you have two options. Offer your submission and be presented to the Council of the Treaty for your punishment or die."

Her gaze moves to the witches, and I notice the gold cord wrapped around their wrists for the first time.

"This also applies to you." She tells them.

Death glares are all she gets in return.

"You won't get away with this!" The sobbing girl growls, earning the attention of everyone as she stands. "The Prophet will hunt you down and-"

"Oh I'm hoping she does." I tell her, moving closer. "Any chance you know how to pass on a message?"

"You're just a Hunter. Your rules do not apply to her!" She wipes her nose with the back of her hand, which is pointless considering the blood she just replaced her snot with. "Maya did not die in vain. Her sacrifice will be felt by The Prophet. She was get vengen-"

I punch her, perhaps too hard as she falls unconscious onto her dead friend. The other witches now glare at me, but say nothing.

"She talks to much," I shrug, moving towards the smaller Valkyrie to address them all. "Anyone here able to let us in on how to meet this Prophet?"

The vampires laugh.

"She will find you. And she will kill you. The Prophet is all powerful," One starts to ramble and I close my eyes, take a deep breath and shake my head.

"She can try." I tell him. "I've dealt with worse. So what is she really, super vampire with a god complex? Witch, who tells a great story? Clearly she preys on the weak and stupid if you believe what she says."

The Valkyrie near me smirk, one snorts as they seem to find this amusing.

"All you are doing is wasting time," the female vampire smiles, baring her fangs. "Keep talking Hunter and you will experience her powers for yourself. She is coming!"

"Oh shit! Maybe I should have bought her a present." My sword appears in my hand, surprising her, but she stays quiet now. "Like this maybe?"

"Resistance is futile." Another growls, "Submit to us now and she may spare you-"

Hunter: EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now