1. The Beginning

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It was a pleasent day here in Boston. I was up early reading the news paper as I waited for my dear husband to wake up. My husband and I were ex military and we had it all set. My husband was the only one who truly worked in the war. I was just behind the scenes. I heard a familiar set of footsteps walk in to the bathroom. A smirk formed on to my pale skin before I stood up. I silently padded over to the bathroom to see my hubby bending down washing his face. He sat up and looked in the mirror. He then sighed,
"War... war never changes." He said in his deep charming voice of his.
That earned a smile from me as I walked up and stood beside him,
"You're gonna knock them dead tonight." I said in my soft yet stern voice.
He looked at me in the mirror and smirked,
"You think?" He asked.
I nodded before kissing his cheek,
"Now hurry up and get changed. I can't have others seeing my man like this." I teased before I left the bathroom.
I love hearing him chuckle like that, and as soon as I heard him... I melted a little on the inside. I walked to the couch and watched the cartoon that my baby boy was watching. I was trully a happy mother.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. I raised a brow and got up. With hesitant steps, I soon open the door. A small smile formed on my lips when I saw a man in a tan suit. He tipped his hat and smiled,
"Good evening! Vault Tec here. It's a wonderful day!" The man said.
A small awkward smile formed on my lips,
"It is." I replied calmly.
He laughed awkwardly before glancing down before up at me. He then smiled more and looked away again before he said,
"Isn't it.... Well I'm glad you're here! I was here to say that you're qualify for Vault 111!" He said, which made my brow raise.
A small awkward pause happened between us before he added, "would you like to sign up?" He asked.
I looked behind me to see my baby and my lover. I smiled before turning towards Vault Tec,
"sign me up!" I said in a proud tone.
He nodded and handed me the clipboard that was in his hands. I read through it and wrote my name, Camilla Green. I then wrote down my skills before I wrote down James Green, and Alex Green. I filled out both of their forms happily before handing it to the Vault Tec rep. He smiled,
"Wonderful! Wonderful... Well I'll go run this down to Vault Tec right away!" He said before running off. I watched him leave with a raised brow. I sigh before closing the door and went to sit next to James. He happily wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple,
"I love you." He said lovingly.
I looked at him and smiled lovingly before we locked lips for a split second before we were interrupted by the news,
"Followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions... We're... we're trying to get confirmation... But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations... We do have... coming in... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania. My God."
The screen flashed to a white stand by sign. I looked at James who already had Alex in his arms. I shot up and we ran to Vault 111, leaving our life behind.

(Time skip after bombs)

It felt like a century since I've been on the surface. Right now I'm waking up? What? Is it time to leave? Hm... that wasn't bad. I rubbed my eyes once I was fully able to open my eyes. I winced in pain from the bright light outside my cryo pod. I felt my body shake which made my breathing shake. I then heard unfamiliar voices. Maybe it's the others. In front of me were my two loves of my life. I then watch as two figures walk over to them. Wait is that a gun? Wht is she in a hazard suit? Wait no! That is not vault tec! I attempt to bang at the door but nothing happened. BAM! I gasped and teared up as I saw James dead and Alex crying because of the madness. Before I could make out their faces I could see a bald scared man meet my light blue eyes. He smirked and winked,
"At least we have backup." He said.
His words burned in my head before I felt my self fall back in to a slumber.

"At least we have backup..."

NOTE: Hey look! My first offical chapter and story! Sorry for the shortness! But I'll try my best to make it longer next time úwù

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