"Lawrence," he corrects me, not commenting on my other words.

My eyebrows lift in surprise. "Really?"

"As soon as you set foot there," he tells me and I want to be annoyed at the fact that he and his friends are keeping tabs on me, but I don't want to ruin the moment. I want to pretend he just wanted to know about me and my friends drunken night dancing by the flames.

But since he knows how I spent my night out I decide to call him out on the same. "Well how was the city with dad?"

He doesn't look surprised. He hides his emotions well. He always was better at that than me. "Mom told you," he answers his own question with a bored look written across his face.

A smirk wants to tug at my lips because he's not right for once. "Preston."

Shock still doesn't spill into Aiden's expression but his jaw locks at the name I say. "So he's still tutoring you?"

"He is," I tell him with a tilt of my head.

My brother opens his mouth to speak when the phone in his pocket buzzes. His eyes narrow at the message he receives and without another word he storms past me without saying another word.

Fierce annoyance strikes me and instead of just waving it off and continuing on my way like I would in the past I turn around on a sharp turn and stare at his back as he stalks away from me. My fists clench in the cool air and I know I cannot let him blow me off again. I can't continue to be left in the dark with zero answers. It's making me go crazy.

The idea of going to the library before class leaves me instantly. I know what I have to do, and that means skipping class for the first time in my entire life. I realize as I glance at the gold watch on my wrist that class starts in just a little over a half hour, which means I'll be missing it to finally find myself some answers.

With a deep breath I start following my brother. I make sure to keep my distance not wanting to tip him off on my stalking. I should be embarrassed by what I'm doing, but I've been pushed too far to the edge and I can't go back.

The moment I kissed Preston again a few days ago at my front door I knew I couldn't go back. He didn't kiss me. I kissed him. I made the first move. I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled him closer. I let his lips tease me and mark the skin along my collarbone.  I stupidly fell into his arms for a few wicked moments.

Preston is someone I never saw myself with, and I still don't if I'm being honest with myself. There's too many questions, and secrets, and I don't like mysteries. They don't turn me on like so many others on this campus. They only piss me off until I dig and dig and dig and find out the answers on my own.

So here I am, looking for answers. I'm too intertwined in this world between Preston and my brother. Something weird is going on with Aiden, and the rest of the heirs, and I'm tired of being left to wander in the dark all alone.

Shock hits me square in the chest when I see my brother turn towards the old church on campus. I continue to stay back so as to not alert him of me trailing his every move. Aiden walks directly into the chapel and I find myself pausing before entering, not sure if I should continue to follow.

Something about him entering the old gothic church makes my stomach flip as apprehension enters my bloodstream. We never went to church growing up. We are the furthest thing from a religious family. The only times I stepped foot on the holy ground was during the few weddings we attended as a family when I was young. So confusion douses me as to why my brother is here right now.

With a shake of my head I push through the hesitation festering in my bones, and I walk forward and open the oversized and heavy iron door just in time to see my brother descend down a flight of steps disappearing behind a small door in the back of the church.

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