A Small Secret

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The two of you were cuddled up under his comforter. He gently rubbed your bare shoulder with his right hand while the entirety of his arm was wrapped around you. You were on your side learning toward his chest, your right arm close to yourself but the left arm reaching over his abdomen, allowing your left hand to graze his rib cage. You couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by his alter ego in bed. From the outside he looked innocent and sweet, as he was, but once you two kissed, the soft demeanor had vanished and a new freaky side had emerged. Freaky Deaky you thought to yourself and smiled.
Deaky pressed his cheek against the top of your head and kissed your head. You looked up, gazing once more into his eyes.

"What's the matter? Are you bored? I could think of a few more things we could do to kill the time," he said with that same devilish grin and rolled over. You were underneath him, his hands in either side of your head. You giggled and wrapped your hands around his neck embracing him once more, he accepted and placed a few more kisses upon your lips. He ran his hands through your hair and nuzzled his head underneath your chin, allowing all of his weight to fall on top of you.

"Deeeaky, you're too heavy hop o-off," you laughed, slightly out of breathe. He giggled as he jokingly cried "Nooo! I'm not going anywhere!"

Suddenly the door lock began to click, you heard voices outside.

"Shit!" Both of you said in unison while Deaky rolled off of you and you sat up. You ran for your sweats and new favorite Beatles shirt while deaky threw on a pair of jeans and grabbed a shirt from his closet. You checked the mirror to make sure you didn't look like you had just had a rump in the covers. Both of you dressed, Deaky smiled and pulled you close for one last kiss. Your legs turned to putty again. He really had a hold on you, his grasp extended beyond your hand and he intertwined his fingers together trapping you in his arms, his hands resting on your lower back just above your bum. You didn't want the kiss to end, soft and tender, just enough pressure without being too aggressive. His bottom lip pulled upward, you turned your head, and placed a hand to his cheek, now rosy. You could stay here for a bit, in this moment just you two in the middle of his room it was all so perfect. But you knew it wouldn't last long.

The door unlocked. A small click echoed through the flat.

"Hellooooo? Anyone home?" Roger bellowed as several foot steps followed.

You pulled away from Deaky, reluctantly, and stepped into the living room giving Roger a great hug. You could feel your cheeks were hot, but prayed that Roger wouldn't notice, or that they would fade before he could see. He smelled like cologne and cigarettes, not much had changed since you two were 16, except for the fur coat and his long blonde locks. Behind him stood two other men. One with an abundance of curly hair, which cascaded down. And the other with an incredibly complex bone structure as-well as impeccable style.

"This is Freddie and Brian my other mates and I'm sure you've already gotten to know Deaky," Roger said in his usual chipper manner.

You smiled at the use of the word "know". You had actually gotten to know Deaky quite well, but you couldn't let Roger know that bit of information. Some things were best kept quiet.

"Pleasure to meet you," Brian stepped forward his clogs creaked on the wood floors. The other man stepped forward as-well , but rather than a handshake, cut between the hand Bri put out to be shaken, and embraced you in a hug.

"Ive been dying to meet some new people! This house lacks personality, I'm cooped in here with these three for weeks, I'm glad you'll be staying with us!" Freddie was ecstatic. "Where is that third one?" Freddie turned just as Deaky walked down the hall.

"H-Hello there," Deaky greeted everyone in the room with a small wave. He didn't seem flushed or nervous, you wouldn't even be able to tell he had stripped down and vigorously -well you know what he did, but he played things off  as if nothing had happened. You were almost offended. Did those kisses not mean anything to him? How could he keep it together?

"I was just setting up the guest room, a few extra blankets and such," his excuse was solid. No eyebrows were raised by the rest of the members. You two were out of the woods. Great. Guess I was just an afternoon delight. Freddie and Bri went to another room to work out a few disagreements in a song, while Deaky vanished into the kitchen to prepare dinner, leaving only you and Roger to catch up. You excused yourself to the kitchen to call home and let your parents know you made it to Roger's safe and sound. Before you could reach the phone Deaky grabbed your hand. You twirled into his arms as he brought up his hand to lift your head and bestow another perfect kiss on your lips.

"I've missed that, don't know how much longer we can keep this up, I can't keep my hands off of you forever," he said as his forehead pressed against yours and that damn smile crept across his face.

"Guess we'll have to keep a small secret from Roger for a bit I suppose," you replied, thankful that Deaky hadn't discarded every event prior to the boy's arrival.

"Keep what a secret from me?" Roger stepped into the kitchen.

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