€Hospital rooms€

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"Virgil!! Stay still and eat!"
I dodged the spoon coming towards my mouth. "Nooooooooooo!" I winced as my stomach growled. I look at the small crowd forming around us. I froze. Then, a fork entered my mouth. The sweet syrup is disgusting, mainly cause I've only been 'eating' weight loss pills. I spit out the pancakes on the floor.
"Virgil! No!" Patton yelled. My stomach groaned. I stood up but fell to my knees. I began to throw up... throw up stomach acid. It hurt BAD. I started sobbing. With my stomach empty, I started dry heaving. A soft hand rubbed my back. A bucket was placed underneath me and I grabbed it. Arms picked me up and brought me to the nurse. No. No no no no no no no no no no no no nO NO!!! I continue to get rid of the little liquids in my body. My body finally finished and I looked up, breathing heavy.
"R-R-Roman...?" My voice was weak. I passed out.
I wake in a white room...
A hospital room...
Too my side is... Roman. Asleep. Patton is looking out the hospital window. Thomas is asleep by my legs. I grabbed Patton's attention by shifting a bit. He looks like he's been crying. For so long. Too fucking long...
I noticed that my shirt felt awkward. Tight almost... I saw the tube on my arm. Injecting protein and vitamins and probably a bit of something else...
I freak out a bit but Patton calms me down. "WHY AM I HERE?!?" I yelled. I was calm... or at least my definition of calm. "Kiddo... you're underweight... awfully." He looked depressed... "what do I weight?" I was curious. I haven't checked my weight in months. "...76..." I, personally, was happy. Just too lazy to show emotion. I hummed as a response. Then Roman woke up.

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