Chapter 1 (yeah!)

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Dallas' POV

"My lip gloss is poppin!' is poppin'? is poppin'!" I began singing, as I pushed the cart through the grocery store, I picked up two cases of water, I continued walking, I picked up a pack of hamburger meat, a few boxes of water flavoring, and some other little things for the house. Skylynn rolled her eyes at me and went back to her phone, "teenagers, and their phones now-a-days" I said, rolling my eyes. After paying for the groceries we began the short trip back to mine and Chad's house, Skylynn's fingers were going a mile a minute.

Who ever knew, such a young energetic girl like Skylynn would become lazy, and cell-phone obssessed? I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. Not me that's for sure. We pulled into the driveway, everyone had came to gather for a picnic, Haliya, Cameron, Naomi, Matt, Carly, JJ (Jack Johnson) Kaleigh, Jack G, Izzy, Taylor (Caniff), Skylar, Carter, Lilly, Aaron, Blue, Nash, Sidney, Shawn, Taylor, and Hayes. It's a little get-together, to see where everyone is at in life, I smiled at all the cars in our driveway, "up and at'm" I said to Skylynn, she got up and walked into the house, I grabbed the groceries.

I walked into the house, "go get 'em bae, yeah get 'em bae" I heard Matt singing. I sat the stuff down on the counter, Chad walked behind me, and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek, "I missed them so much" he said laughing, "what exactly is Matt doing" I asked turning around, he let go and grabbed a pop, from the fridge, "um singing a song, it's something that their doing for something" he said, I laughed, "best explanation, babe" I said kissing him. I walked into the living room, I looked around at all of my friends, and two brothers. "I'm going to the back yard" Matt sang cheerfully, I shrugged my shoulders, I heard the back door open and a loud scream, "what the hell?!" Matt screeched, "there's a fucking dinosaur back here!" he screeched again, slowly I made my way to the back yard, "yeah you goof ball" I said poking his cheek, the look of horror was all you could see, slowly he rose his finger and pointed to a spot on the grass, "thats a fucking dinosaur" he said frightened, I slapped the back of his head playfully, "no you dumb goof, that's Lucky, my tortoise" I spoke, walking over to Lucky, "ITS GONNA EAT YOU!" he shrilled, "it's a vegetarian, dumb ass" I said rolling my eyes.

After cooking up some hamburgers, hot dogs, and eating, we all sat around in the backyard, Matt specifically, stayed away from Lucky, I love my tortoise, it's my life, Star, unfortunately, she passed away, but we buried her with Scarlett, and Shadow, she's happy, and I'm happy. "What in your right mind made you get a tortoise" Haliya asked, I shrugged, "does it go in your house" Carly piped up, I nodded, "yeah, he sleeps right by the backdoor, so when I wake up in the morning I let him out" I say. "Christen is here, bye!" Skylynn says getting up and walking through the backdoor, slamming it for the dramatic move, "SKYLYNN ELIZABETH!" I shouted, scolding her. "Who's Christen?" Naomi, and Skylar asked at the same time, they looked at each other, "her, so called 'cool' friend" I said putting air quotes around 'cool', they all laughed, "she's been getting into a lot of trouble recently, and her friends, aren't helping, moms is becoming so stressed, and planning the wedding while, having her here for the summer" I said pulling at my hair, Chad rubbed my shoulders, "hey it's all right" Chad spoke, rubbing my shoulders, I smiled at him, he place a kiss on my forehead, "hey, it's all for mama" he spoke, I nodded.

*skip to night time*

The girls stayed at my house and the boys went to moms house, because they wanted to spend 'bro time' together, so we decided to spend 'hoe time' together, I laughed, "I just thought since the boys are spending bro time, we're spending hoe time" I said, we all laughed, me, Taylor, Haliya, and Izzy slept on my bed. We pulled the mattress, from the guest bed to the master bedroom (Dallas and Chad's room) Skylar, Lilly, Naomi, and Kaleigh, shared that bed, what can I say, were best friends, then we pulled out the futon for Blue, and Carly.

"What if I just had you all in my wedding" I spoke simultaneously, "RACHET!" Izzy hollered, "that's why your a perfect match for Taylor" Blue spoke up smiling, we all laughed, "yeah, that'd be fun" Kaleigh said, the girls all agreed, "sounds like a plan" I said throwing up a thumbs up, "so, about Skylynn" Taylor asked, "her grades are dropping, she got caught with a blunt last week, and then she back sassed the teacher, which we all knew that was gonna happen, but my point though, Mom pounded her off to me and Chad, hoping we could set her straight, mom actually had a panic attack, she's under so much stress, her and Johnny, there taking a trip down to the Bahamas, there coming back before the wedding. Skylynn got pissed that they didn't take her, so she just doesn't learn, and she's driving me insane, and when ever I begin to actually try to plan a little of the wedding, she's always agitating me" I said sighing. "We shall take a spa day, and bring Skylynn with us, try breaking her back into her old ways, we could even take a camping trip, just is girls, and leave cell phones at home, like time away from our fiancé's, or husbands, whatever, just girl time" Carly said, I nodded, yawning, "goodnight bitches!" I shouted, slowly I closed my eyes.








A/N; hey y'all! for 300 followers, I want you to comment both your Instagram names and twitter names, because some of y'all are to scared to follow me, so comment then names, and I'm going to be following yins.

Peace out Twinsers (Twinkers)

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