"I'm taking your silence as a no then" Dean said, and you could almost see the disappointment in his voice not only hear it.

"Yes" Dean's eyes widened "No, I mean, yes, no?" Cas tilted his head and narrowed his eyebrows, he had managed to confuse himself. Dean blinked a few times before stroking Cas' cheek.

"Let's try again" Cas nodded "Will you be-"

"Yes" Cas said before Dean managed to finish his sentence.

Dean shook his head and laughed, his hazel green eyes sparkled in a way Cas had never seen before. He gazed into them as they moved closer and closer, until they slowly closed and Dean's lips fell on Cas' and they shared their first kiss as real boyfriends, not only partners under a contract. He could feel Dean smile into the kiss and Cas wrapped his arms around his neck, feeling Dean pulling him closer, holding his waist. Dean pulled away eventually and rested his forehead on Cas', both had their eyes closed.

"I love you" Cas said, almost whispering.

"I care about you, a lot" was Dean's reply, but Cas didn't mind. He had Dean, for real this time.

     Cas had moved in with Dean, Anna being strongly against it, she had even threatened to tell Dean that she knew, something that had made Castiel very angry and they hadn't spoken in months now. It was December, 8th, and Dean was doing the dishes. They had lived together for almost two months now, December 15th would make mark the second month. It had been better than Castiel had expected, the first few weeks they tried to do as they did, they tried using Dean's room, but Dean said it felt wrong, so now they had made it into a study. Castiel had finally made Dean buy a TV and it was placed on the wall that was once empty. It looked much better now. The second bedroom was made into one big walk in closet and the closet in what was now Dean and Cas' bedroom was gone, replaced with a couch and some bookshelf's. Castiel had made Dean keep some of his toys, like the handcuffs and whip. Dean was skeptical, wanting to remove all of his previous life, but Cas had practically begged for him to keep them, saying "but I like them and it would be fun spicing things up every now and then don't you think?" and Dean couldn't argue with that. The only thing that bothered Castiel was that every morning when they woke up he would say to Dean "I love you" only to get "I care a lot about you" in return. He would say it a few times during the day, after they've had made love, which Dean liked to call it now, and before they fell asleep, only to get the same response "I care about you a lot". The first few weeks it was okay, even the first month, but now, after such a long time, it started to annoy him and he felt like Dean was never going to love him. Castiel was now sitting on the couch, reading a book, while the TV was on, volume low, in the background and Dean was standing in the kitchen. It was practically almost perfect.

"Cas?" Dean suddenly said, placing the last plate in the cabinet. Castiel lifted his head from the book and closed it, placing it on the coffee table and turning his body to face Dean. "I got a mail from my parents yesterday, they asked if we wanted to come spend the weekend with them. Sam is coming to and his fiancé Jessica." He seemed really nervous, either because he was afraid Cas would say no or because he was afraid for them to meet Castiel.

"If you want to" Cas replied and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it will be nice getting away for a few days"

Dean pushed himself away from the counter and walked over to Castiel, placing himself beside him and plating a kiss on his mouth. Cas couldn't get enough of Dean's lips. They were like drugs, once you had tasted them, you would crave them every minute of your day until you tasted them again. Dean was Cas' drug.

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