an explanation

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This is what happens in this world;

Once you graduate high school (with a good enough grade) you get your own shop, with your own name. How good you run it depends on how much you make. You're the manager.

Anyone who doesn't graduate, or their business is not successful at all, takes any extra jobs. For example workers or builders. Also if you go to a special private school, you may get to open a better business, like travel (airports, train station etc...) or schools. Generally their richer...unless your shop is extremely popular.

Your success depends on many factors-first it depends on your family history. If you have a huge family all with the same name (you only have 1 name in this reality) then you'll probably be more successful as you've already gained the shoppers trust.

You'd be surprised at how many people end up without a shop. It's actually quite hard to gain a shop which will be able to survive. Does it all depend on your performance at school? Not really, but usually being well educated does help. Remember your family also helps, and if their richer and have more branches they'll definitely achieve great money.

after your shops been built and you've sorted out your products, the grand opening is a huge event for both you and those people who pretty much live to shop. Fate is extremely important and people hold a lot of trust in it. The thing is, the first person to walk into your shop is your soulmate, and you're their soulmate.

Of course not everyone trusts it and not everyone keeps up with it. Additionally it's always a non-shop owner to walk into a shop first. There's never been record of that being broken. Obviously some date throughout their school years, and many decide to stay with their lovers. There's no way of breaking soulmate bonds apart though. You will feel called to enter that shop and fate will drag you in there so you're first. All you feel is a strange feeling, kind of like you just need to be there.

You may think you love someone else. Or even that your sexuality's different. There's no true way to know unless you find your soulmate though. This interests some and they like to test it out. Scientists (they don't have their own shop either) have researched the soulmate system for many years and never found anything proving against it.

You may think you can just stay away from your soulmate but it's not that simple. You've probably met before, although it could just be briefly and you don't remember. There have been times where people were lucky and started dating their soulmate without knowing their soulmates yet.
Once you find out who your soulmate is and unless your a very strong minded person, you'll feel attracted to them. Very slowly this will develop. If you decide not to act on the fact that their your soulmate, first you'll just notice them every singe time you see them, even in a massive crowd. Next you'll slowly find yourself wanting to talk to them about everything anything as long as it's with them. The next steps vary for everyone.
Also that's just on average, the pace which this happens at and exactly how it happens varies for everyone.

Remember those very strong at mind would be able to ignore it but not a lot of people are able to do this, and they usually end up depressed ;(

second chapter, is anyone gonna bother reading more? if you are then thank you you're nice. it's surprising i've actually bothered writing chapter 2 but i wanna beat a certain bird story(which i won't)
anyways this is fun :D

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