First Part

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It was a nice beautiful morning like all springs days of May when Kura went to the garden to take care of her flowers, leaving her beloved husband sleeping after a log working evening the past day.

She was young with short blond hair and couple of dazzling light blue eyes. For others she was just like any Caucasian blond, but for her husband she was the kindest most wonderful girl he ever met.

He was ten years older than her, never loved before and never thought of marrying until he met her. Somehow he was kind of the opposite of her with black hair, dark eyes and very cold and unwelcoming personality. Perhaps the only one who was able to bring out his warm side was his wife, and son.

After a few minutes of Kura being in the garden tending her narcissus pots, a scream came out of the house calling for her, finally her appeared out of a window in the second floor and kept looking for her, she shacked her head patiently and stud up saying:

_ I’m right her darling…stop screaming, you’ll wake up the boy!

_ Oh!!...I thought something happened to you.

_ What is the matter with you lately?..You freak out each time I’m not under your sight  and you don’t know my place.

He didn’t answer her, only smiled and turned back, so she continued her work.

Their house was a two stories villa, built specially for the lady of Luke’s heart. It was built with white stones shining like snow with light blue glass windows and a bright brick roof. It was warm and welcoming with a big garden which was taken care of by Kura who did nothing all day but gardening and taking care of her child.

After less than an hour, the back door opened and Luke came out holding a breakfast tray flowed by the housekeeper who brought a hot tea pot, they placed all that on the garden table under one of the big trees in the sunny garden.

Then a seven years old boy marched out the door holding a tea silvery running toward his father and the morning breeze lifting his dark hair tufts of his smiling face which had beautiful deep blue eyes, when he was about to arrive to the table when he stumbled and almost fell but his father grabbed him quickly before he smashed himself and the whole tray.

_ You need to be more careful Roy.

_ Sorry daddy.

_ It’s fine, now call your mother so we can eat.

The little boy ran to his mother calling her with his soft sweet voice:

_Mommy , mommy come quickly before the birds eat your food.

Kura smiled and got up shaking her long pink dress then flowed her son who took his place between his parents waiting for his share.

_ Good morning sweetie…How are your flowers today? Said Luke filling his beloved’s cup with hot tea.

Kura smiled and answered taking her place on the table: Good morning…They’re hopping for you to kindly pay them a visit sometime soon.

_ Me?...Well I might find few moments of my precious time to check on them.

_ What an important person you are.

Roy interrupted: Mommy…I’m hungry.

Kura smiled: Okay sweetheart…Here… But warn your beloved dad not get found of himself.

After they finished breakfast Kura took the plates inside and returned with Roy’s school bag.

Luke stood preparing to leave: Come on Roy, Let’s go.

Roy opposed saying: But Daddy…It’s the final days…Do I really have to go?

But his mother looked at him scolding: Don’t start again…Each time it’s time to school you begin complaining. Be patient, two more days and it’s done.

Although the boy’s whining, he went to the car so his father can take him to school.

While Kura and Luke walked to the car she said: Luke Please don’t be late today…Leo will arrive today, I’ll pick up Roy and go to the airport to meet him…Okay?

Luke bend over and kissed her saying: Don’t worry, I’ll be back early. See you sweetie.

She smiled and said addressing Roy: Be a good boy. Bye

As they drove away she stood waving then retuned inside to finish her chores.

After he dropped Roy at school, Luke arrived to his office. He runs a huge real-estate company fulfilling his dream of ruling the city. But he did it in clean honorable way, concealing his dark hidden past. Everyone respected him and overlook his mysterious  unknown origin.

Luke is the youngest billionaire in the county, at the age of thirty-eight he is the most important man in the market. His company has stocks in every other company of all kinds of businesses. Everybody was afraid of him and think carefully hundred times before arranging a meeting with him or talking in his presence. But nobody thinks twice before starting a business with his company, profits are guaranteed.

This successful young businessman met the shy young girl called Kura nine years ago in a fund raising party. At that time she was nineteen years old just left school because of her weak body. At first sight she was just like any other skinny blond girl he meets, but after Luke noticed her father forcing her to dance with some rich old friend, he fell for her teary blue eyes.

He decided to save the young girl from having a terrible boring evening. However when her fragile body ended up in his arms for a dance his heart sunk, and he was forever hocked.

After sometime he tried to meet her more, he even started a secret job with her father, at that time he wasn’t in real-estate business. She wasn’t very sure of this new friendship because she knew that nothing good comes from her father, although she had no idea what kind of work brings them together.

But as days went by, Kura changed Luke’s life. She unknowingly convinced him to start over as a good honest man. To begin a new life with new career and friends.

All this helped Luke becoming the successful man he is today. He married the girl he loved, got the family he never had, made a fortune he never thought exist, throw the past behind and turned into a new human-being.

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