Chapter Twelve

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Becca's p.o.v.

Waking up in Cal's arms felt amazing, the tingles and sparks shoot over every bit of skin that touch was amazing. Looking up I find he is awake and just staring at me.

"Urgh...sorry" I move to sit up just for his arms to wrap around me tighter.

"It's ok beautiful, I enjoy the view" he smirks at me, I feel my face heat up so I hide in his chest.

"I need to speak to my parents, I need answers" begrudgingly he releases me.

"Fine" he says smiling, climbing out of bed he heads for the door.

"Wait...where...where are you going?" looking down at my hands I wait anxiously for his reply.

"I am going to go home so I can shower and change" I feel the bed dip as he sits down in front of me, putting a finger under my chin he lifts it so I am looking in his eyes.

"Don't worry beautiful, I will come back as soon as I am done if you want" I nod my head quickly at him making him chuckle.

"Okay Baby, have a shower and get dressed, then wait here for me I will come get you and we can go talk to your folks together.

"Okay" he gives me a chaste kiss then heads for the door again "Cal" he stops and looks back at me, "...thank you" he smiles at me " All good Beautiful, I won't be to long".

After he leave I scramble to the closet to get some clothes then head in to the bathroom to have my shower.

Calvin's p.o.v.

I walk into her room to find her sitting on her bed ready to go, even her bed is made. looking back at her I think she noticed me looking at her bed, she looks away from me a blush on her cheeks. I smirk at her and after walking over to her I grab her hand pulling her up and into me kissing her passionately.

When I pull away she takes a deep breathe, I smirk at her again and take her out her bedroom door and down to the living room where her parents were sitting waiting for us. When I left I told them she wants to talk to them, they agreed with me to wait down here and that is exactly where I found them when I came back to get her. We sit down on the couch opposite her parents, the tingles all over the left side of my body where she is leaning against me.

At first no one says a word, I can see that none of them knows where to begin, looking down at Becca a pleading look in her eyes.

I turn to her parents and said the only thing I could think of to start the conversation, "Becca told me last night about what happened when she was thirteen".

Her parents looked at me shocked, looking at each other her father looks at us, " you know what happened to her there?" he asked me, the look of eagerness on his face confusing me.

"Don't you already know" I felt Becca tense against me.

Beta Scott sighed "No...she hasn't told a soul about what one could get her to open up about it" he looked at us ashamed.

I turn to Becca in awe that after all these years I am the first person she has told about what she went through, it made me happy that my mate trusts me but also sad that it has taken five years for her to actually open up about it.

"Becca this true?" she only nods her hair.

I watch the emotions flit across her face while she tries to figure something out. " you" I tilt her face up to mine, I can see her trying hard to hold back tears.

"Do you want me to tell them beautiful" I run my thumb across her cheek and she nods at me.

After telling them everything Becca told me the night before I watched their faces fall and the pain come across their faces as they finally found out the pain their daughter was put through.

Her mother ran across the lounge and wrapped Becca in her arms both of them now crying, "Oh my poor baby...I am so sorry you had to go through all that, and not feeling like you were able to tell your father and I, I failed you my beautiful baby girl and I am so sorry".

Becca's head shot up then shacking furiously, "No mum, you didn't fail me, I'm sorry I never told you, I just wanted to forget the whole thing and move forward so I refused to even think about it...aft....after last night I knew I couldn't...couldn't avoid it any longer" she hung her head.

Reaching around her I pulled her into me wrapping her in my embrace, her little arms wrapping around me. "Scott, Sasha, I think its time you told Becca everything, she deserves to know".

Her parents sit back down on the couch opposite us, looking between each other, Sasha takes a breathe. She then goes on to tell Becca and I about her kidnapping, how at first all the man did was take blood and inject her with unknown liquids, it kept her weak and unable to fight. it was  only after the first two months that the sexual stuff began, ever night he would come in and have his way with her over and over, every day someone would come and inject her with something and take a blood sample. after 3 weeks he stopped coming, but the injects and bloods kept happening.

When her bleeding never showed and she noticed her stomach growing she realised what was going on and tried to kill the thing growing inside her and when that didn't work she tried to kill herself to no avail. after the first attempt she was guarded twenty four seven, over time her stomach kept growing, when she reached four months she heard a  commotion outside her door, the guards in her room looked worried, when the door was slammed open and wolves came running in it took them only seconds to kill the two guards and that's when she saw Scott come through the door and straight to her.

To say he was shocked to find her pregnant was an understatement, he lost it, tearing the room apart in anger, when they got back to the pack hospital to have it killed they were informed that it was impossible and if they attempted it Sasha could die and with the amount of damage that was done to her, there was little to no chance of her ever falling pregnant again.

After days of talking about it they decided to keep the child and Scott swore to protect it and love it as if it were his own. For years they took care of her and loved her unconditionally and when she turned they were so happy that she had a wolf, fearing that she might be a vampire like her father but glad she was a wolf like her mother. Under the guise of a check up they had the pack doctor take Becca's blood after that to make sure that she was okay.

To their dismay the bloods came back with both wolf and vampire DNA still in her system. After extensive research, they found out that on her eighteenth birthday she would complete her transformation and become a full hybrid. Their current Alpha refused to have any connection with her kind in his pack and told them they would have to leave before she completed the change and this was the real reason they came here.

My parents gladly took them in, it just so happened that our beta had been killed in a previous attack and the next beta was not ready to move up and take the responsibility and on top of that the alpha was handing the job over to his son who had just reached 21 and found his mate so the next beta in line was already due to take over.

After they finished Becca and I leave the lounge, at first I thought she was taking me outside but instead she opened the secret door in the laundry and we went down to the cave, curling up together on the couch in the dark we spent the rest of the day watching movies eventually falling asleep.

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