Chapter Nine

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Becca p.o.v.

After the girls told their parents everything was a little stressful, their dad lost it, he was not losing his baby girls to some low life mutts, their mum was a little more understanding, we are expecting them to arrive for a two day stay over my birthday so they can get to know the boys, so far their mother has gotten their father to agree to that much but both parents are adamant that the girls will not be moving in with the boys until they graduate.

"Urgh, why can't our parents be cool, I mean it's not like our mates are wanting to run off and never see them again jeez!" Jessie slumped down on my couch.

"Well you are their baby girls, I mean I would be pretty upset about losing my child when they haven't even started senior year yet." throwing a pillow at her face.

For the next few days the girls spent every waking minute with the boys, it became an everyday thing for us all to just hang out in the cave. I couldn't complain I still got to hang with them, they were just all over Luke and Simon all the time I did not see how they actually could get to know each other.

Meanwhile Cal and I got to know each other a lot better, I can't help but feel more attracted to him every day, Sarah said it was inevitable with us spending so much time together and getting to know each other.

The pains I have been having are getting worse, my mother just keeps giving me this horrid drink three times a day, apparently it is supposed to help but I think it is just making it worse. Today is the day before my birthday and so far I haven't even been able to get out of bed, my friends have all come to see me and are all down in the cave, I was surprised how ok I was with them all hanging out at my place without me, it had become like a second home to all of them.

"Hey beautiful how are you holding up?" Calvin's concerned voice comes to me via my bedroom door.

I roll over, pulling my blankets further up my head, I feel the bed dip down beside me and decide to peak out the top. Calvin is sitting on the bed beside me, a look of worry on his face, he doesn't look like he is doing any better then I am.

"Are you okay?" I look at him waiting for an answer, confusion lacing its way across his face.

"Beautiful your the one in a lot of pain, it just upsets me that there is nothing I can do about it" he reaches over brushing my hair out of my face.

When his hand touch my skin it was like a cool cloth was being wiped over my head, it was amazing and I knew I needed more. Pulling the blanket back swiftly I pulled him down next to me and cuddled into him, wrapping myself around him. He gasped from the sudden movement after a few moments his stiff body relaxed and he wrapped his arms around me. All I could think about was having more skin contact so I pushed his shirt up as high as I could get it and snuggled into his chest, it was absolute bliss.

As if he finally understood what I was trying to do, he wriggled under me for a moment and removed his shirt completely, I could already feel my temperature dropping, the pains a fraction of what they were before, I didn't understand how he could help me this much and I didn't care, all that matters is that I felt a hell of a lot better wrapped around him.

Calvin's p.o.v.

Becca pulling me down and wrapping herself around me took me of guard, I was not expecting it, but once she did I couldn't help but feel happy, after a few moments I realised she was only wearing a bra and panties, instantly I could feel myself get hard. I didn't want to ruin the moment and have her kick me out of the bed so I repositioned so she wouldn't notice it.

Fuck, get it together Cal, she will find out soon enough I scold myself

Hehehehe, come on just go for it, Mate should love it Cole slithers to the front of my mind.

I can feel my eyes go black, I fight against Cole for control, after what felt like hours I had full control over myself, my body having calmed down.

She fell asleep against me and I spent the rest of the day just laying there cuddling her, watching her sleep. Her mum and dad both popped their heads in to check on her, I think they realised what I was to her as they told me that her mate is the only one who should be able to help right now. Apparently she had been screaming through the night because of the pain and her parents still won't tell anyone what is actually wrong with her.

It's now two hours until midnight and she still hasn't woken up. I Stroke the hair out of her face again, kissing her forhead I feel her squirm beside me. Her eyes slowly flutter open and she looks at me with a smile on her face.


"Hey, how are you feeling" my hand on the side of her face, I stroke her cheek with my thumb.

"Really good actually, what time is it?" she asks looking around for a clock.

"It's ten, two more hours and you will be eighteen and able to find your mate" I smile at her

"Oh" she pulls away from me sitting up.

Good one douchebag now mate is upset Cole growls at me.

Oh shut up mutt I push him to the back of my mind and sit up, I run my fingers along her spine, the tingles getting stronger the closer we get to midnight.

"Are you ok?" I ask as I feel her relax under my hand.

Not a moment later she gasps, pulling away from me she tugs the blankets up around herself.

"Oh my god, I'm practically naked and you...your..."

I chuckle at her " don't worry love, look pants on" I smile at her.

She takes a deep breathe in relief, "Good I mean, I like you and all but well.."

she looked a bit uncomfortable after that so I climb out of the bed and put my shirt back on, I walk over to her closet and grab a shirt and pants for her, passing them to her I chuckle as she makes me close my eyes and turn around. I hear a door close behind me and I know she has run off into the bathroom once I hear the shower running.

"I will head down to the gang, they are all still here in the cave, we are all really excited for midnight" I say heading towards her closet.

"Okay I will be down soon" I type the code into the panel in the wall and head downstairs to wait for her.

Only one hour and thirty seven minutes left to go.

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