What no one had expected was when they finally found the captured hero, was for him to be the one to come to them.

He staggered into the police station, falling to his knees in front of the desk, with a few heroes looking at him, assuming that he was drunk until Dabi came out from the back, noticing the movement going around and spotted that familiar periwinkle hair. It was longer and unkempt, but it was so familiar, then when the man looked up at him caused his heart to stop beating.

"Shimura..." He let out the name that wasn't far from his thoughts for the past two years, even though there had been times when he wished it was, when it hurt to think of what he would be going through, or if he was even still alive.

"Dabi..." His voice sounded rough, scratchy, those red eyes looked crazed, his skin was dry, a hell of a lot drier than it had been before and he looked like the villains had fed him enough to keep him alive, but not enough to make him comfortable.

"Shit. Get Endeavor, let him know that Tenko Shimura has been found." Dabi looked at the man before him, crouching down. "Welcome back, we're gonna get you help, all right?"

"Yea..." He slumped forward, resting the top of his head on Dabi's chest, who pulled him forward and then picked him up to take him away from the front, so that he could have some privacy and just in case the media would turn up and make a spectacle of it all.

Looking down he saw that the man had appear to have fall asleep as he made his way to a small unused office that would do for the moment, until they got Recovery Girl around, along with Endeavor, just to make sure this was legit. Though Dabi felt it was.

"Dabi." The flame hero came into the room, his eyes went from the other hero to the man in his arms. "You are sure it's him?"

"Yea... unless this is some kind of sick trick, but he seems to have passed out..." Dabi started and then the skinny man in his arms flinched, fell out of his hold and onto the floor.

However he didn't land in a heap, instead he jumped to his feet, tense and clearly ready to fight. Dabi just looked stunned, while Endeavor tensed up, ready for an attack to happen.

"Hey, Tenko, it's us." Dabi said softly, clearly seeing how tense his friend was and trying to figure out to to calm him down without the use of violence, he was fully aware that Tenko wouldn't have a chance against Endeavor, no matter how fast he was, the hero before them both was ranked 2nd for a reason.

Those eyes were blood shot, looking manic and when they finally came to him, Dabi felt a cold chill go up his back, but he didn't move, keeping his eyes on his friend and trying to reassure him that he was safe.

"Dabi..." Tenko whispered, looking him over slowly before looking into his eyes as if that would give him the answer, and then looked over to the other man and his brow furrowed. "Endeavor?" He tilted his head, like he didn't expect to see him. "This a new training idea..."

"Tenko there's no training..." He began but the flame hero came further into the room, followed by a small, old woman who also had paramedics behind her.

"Careful, it's possible that his mind isn't in the present just yet." Endeavor warned him. "Shimura, where are you?"

"I... I was in a training cabin... no..." he trailed off and scratched his neck. "No, no, no... there was a clone, a clone of me... and... there was a fight... but." He looked up at Endeavor, before glancing at Recovery Girl who was cautiously walking towards him. "He's never had you two in these visions."

"Dear, you should sleep. You're safe now." The old woman touched his arm gently, yet he clearly didn't feel like she was a threat in comparison to Endeavor.

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