Finding Mr. Right

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Dear Miss Independent,

You are fast approaching 30 and still wonder why Mr. Right hasn't come knocking on your door yet.

Back in college, we loved discussing all things in the Romance Department. But lately our conversations have changed. You want to steer clear of any topic that has to do with dating or relationships.

You are smart, talented, and beautiful. You've spent the past several years earning your graduate degree and building a high-powered career.

However, you've recently given up on your original timeline of being married with 2 kids by 32. You've started planning on the possibility of dying alone with only your cats by your side.

I want you to:
1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself
2. Stop wishing and waiting for the perfect man to magically appear in your life
3. Stop daydreaming about this grand romance resembling a Hallmark movie

It's okay to have high standards.

You should.

But you have this idea of the perfect man and relationship stuck in your head, and it's making you miss out on finding the love of your life.

The perfect guy... he isn't real.

However, your perfect guy is.

He may not be 6 foot 2 with abs of steel, but he will make you feel safe and secure.

He might not drive a Mercedes-Benz, but he will become your Ride-or-Die.

His name isn't Prince William or Prince Harry, but he will always treat you like royalty.

Your perfect guy will one day turn into your perfect partner.

You will laugh together.

You will cry together.

You will even fart together.

Sure, you'll fight. But you will learn how to make up.

You will challenge one another. But you'll also support one another no matter what.

You will commit to one another.

You will celebrate each other's wins and help each other rise above the losses.

You will build a life together that you can look back on and feel proud of.

And you will one day realize just how much you are in love with your perfectly imperfect guy.

Your friend

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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