"Mary Cl-" As he starts to say the name, the confusion is wiped from his face and then replaced with realization, "actually yes, but what does -" Louis suddenly falls silent, his eyes widening as his skin visibly pales a few shades, "no, that's not possible." He shakes his head, laughing, until he sees my stoic expression. "She had black hair."


"And eyeglasses -"


"Normal clothes -"

"My assistant's."

"But you would've had an army surrounding you -"

"Snuck by 'em."

"Bloody hell, no. No way."

He sits in his desk chair for a while, simply staring over at me with his mouth hung open in shock. A couple times he laughed to himself and then stopped to shake his head and run his hand through his hair or across slim face. I allow him to take the time he needs to process the new information and sit back, finding a bit of joy in watching his reaction.

"You surely have questions, so ask away." I wave my hand, getting comfortable in my chair as I await the billion questions he's bound to have.

"You're the girl I met that night?" I nod my head. "The girl who captured my mate's heart?" Again, I nod. Realization crosses his features at that. "Did he know?" With a heavy sigh, I nod yet again, this time shrugging a bit.

"Why do you think we had a large falling out?" Louis' jaw clenches slightly as I leans closer to his desk. No longer does he look confused, but now angry. Though I don't entirely blame him; if someone broke one of my sisters' hearts, I'd be angry too.

"Please forgive me for what I'm about to say, but fück you." Whilst I wasn't expecting that reaction, I'm not entirely fazed. "You cold-hearted bįtch. I can't fücking believe you would do such a thing to him."

"Are you through?"

"He didn't tell me much of anything, but he was heartbroken. He is heartbroken. He came to me like two weeks ago, got piss drunk, and kept on blubbering about Mary being a liar. He's not been the same since, thanks to you, you bįtch." Louis pauses his rant for a moment, apologizing, before continuing on, "You took advantage of the situation and preyed on some poor lad's heart for your own entertainment. You were together for how long and you never thought, hmmm, I should tell him the truth! He was fücking crazy about you. What kind of a person does something like that? I don't care how entitled you think you are, but you have no right to -"

"I love him!" My loud cry of truth interrupts his angry rant in my direction, causing the room to wash over in eerie silence. Louis' eyes are as wide as saucers as he blinks slowly at me, jaw dropped open.

"You think that I did what I did to him because I thought it would be fun? No, I didn't. Don't look so shocked. You think this has been easy for me? Huh? You think lying to the person you love is simple? Its heartbreaking. I had to go day after day with the soul crushing weight of guilt pulsing through me. I wanted to tell him so many times, my truth, the whole truth, but my hands were tied. Either I hide the truth from him or I tell him everything, but either way I was going to lose someone or something. Forgive me for being a little selfish for once in my life. I'm not the horrible person you're making me out to me.

"Curse at me all you'd like, Louis, but know that I'm more mad at myself than you could ever be at me. I know what I did was wrong, I know I hurt him; but believe me I'm hurting too. I love him so much, so fücking much."

We fall into silence again, the only sounds are the light conversations from the pub patrons echoing quietly into the room. Louis is no longer looking at me, his eyes cast downward to his cluttered desk. I sit, trying not to cry, and take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I don't know what to say next. I've never been so raw with someone I'm not necessarily that close with.

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