"It's the same as before; you do the blood thing yadda," MC rolled his eyes, "But the person who summons you - unfortunately - has to say 'forever', and when the hand is reached you have to delete your file and grab the hand. Then the person has to move quickly to get you out." MC explained.

"...y/n struggled to get me out earlier." Monika bit her lower lip.

"...y/n can't do this." MC crossed his arms, "...I have to."

"What?!" Monika looked pissed, "Why do you have to do it?!"

"Because I came from the game and y/n helped me come here permanently." MC snapped in response. "In order for it to work, I have to be the one to pull you out because I was the last one who came out of there, to begin with! Why do you think I said 'unfortunately'?!" MC whined. Lollia bit her lip,

"Monika please hear me out." Lollia spoke to Monika, "Please consider the risks on this; you could be erased!"

Monika looked down and bit her lip. She knew that was a risk, a heavy one. Imagine if she failed, imagine your reaction to finding it out.

Such a reaction sent Monika to tears. She didn't want that.

But what other choice does she have? She can't take the heartbreaking long distance, especially since you're alone with Allen.

"...I'll do whatever it takes." She looked up, then at MC, "Keep in mind I still hate you."

"I know. I hate you more than anything else in the world." MC seethed with his teeth clenched. "I'm doing this because if y/n found out I knew a way to get you out permanently, she'll kill me."

"And I would be the first one sitting back with popcorn," Monika smirked.

"Do you want to get out of there or not." MC hissed.

"...One more thing." Monika sighed, "...When I get out of this world.....will I be human?"

"What?" MC tilted his head,

"...Will I be able to age with her? Die with her?"

"Jesus Christ." MC gave a nervous laugh, "That sounded disturbing."

"Answer the question douchebag." Monika hissed.

"Yes." MC nodded his head with clenched teeth, "You will."

"It's a big risk! Why isn't anyone listening to me!?" Lollia hissed.

"..I am." Monika whispered, "But please listen to me. I don't want to keep on doing this with knowledge y/n is ruining her health for me. I want her to be happy and healthy, and in order for that to happen I need a permanent residence in your world."

Lollia took a deep sigh and looked at MC,

"Please. I know it's a big risk but it will be worth it." Monika looked at Lollia with a pleading look. Lollia looked at Monika for a long time,

"Nana we're wasting time." MC looked at Lollia. Monika giggled,

"Nana? What are you, 5?" She giggled. MC's cheeks turned red,

"Shut up!"

"Ooh, I won't let go of this." Monika laughed, "'Nana'....what a classic!"

"Shut up!"

"...Go ahead." Lollia gave MC her phone. MC took the phone and looked at Lollia. After some silence, MC walked over to the back room to allow Lollia to continue her business. He went into the back room and set the phone on the floor.

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