The Fortune Teller

Start from the beginning

"I...I want more." You saw tears in Monika's eyes in the screen. Seeing that caused tears in your eyes.

"...I know, I do too." You whimpered and placed your hand on the screen. "..You know what?"

"What?" Monika asked. You took the band aid that covered the webcam and yanked it off.

"...I don't know if you know this, but I took the band aid off the webcam on my laptop."

"Y..You did?"


"...I wish I could see you...even with the webcam available I can't see you..."

"..So how did you-"

"I felt this pressure located at the webcam, I figured you covered it." She explained.

"S...So it does nothing?"

"...I wish it did..." Her voice was shaking, you can tell she was going to break down at any minute. The sad moment was rudely interrupted when Allen kicked his way in your room. You immediately wiped your tears and heard Monika give a small shriek. She must've heard Allen's rude entrance.

"Mom and Dad are here and they have something 'big' to tell us, so get your ass downstairs." Allen scoffed and left the room. He didn't even pause and ask if you were okay, you were sure you looked like you were crying.

"...You have to go..." Monika spoke sadly.

"..Yeah, but I will be back." You spoke, " until then-"

"...Bye." By her saying that word sent chills down your spine. You never thought you'd hear her say that. Yeah, you were used to seeing the text saying it but now she said's completely different. You wanted to tell her to never say it again, but what else is she supposed to say? There is no proper substitute is there? You weren't aware of any so far. You watched her voice fade and the text appeared once more.

"See you next time!" The text said. You closed the laptop slowly. It hasn't even been a minute and you miss her voice. You got off your bed slowly and walked downstairs.

"Ah! There you are y/n !" Your mom clasped her hands together with a smile. "I have good news!"

"...What is it?" You asked,

"Well you see you 2, your father and I decided to work a little harder and longer than usual, you ever noticed that?"

"...Yeah." You nodded

"Get to the point, I have to play my guitar." Allen was playing with his nails.

"..Well, the main reason is because we are going on a vacation! As a family!!" Your mom said with excitement. You and Allen stiffened. A vacation? What about Monika!?

Wait Monika can access your phone, so she's fine. It's just that you won't be able to hear her voice for a while...which is sad.

"...Come again?!" Allen screamed, "I want to play my guitar and chill with a couple of chicks and that gets intruded by a vacation?!"

"We will be going to an island off the coast in a couple of days, so pack up." Your dad looked at Allen, "...and no talking back. We worked off this vacation."

"And I worked my butt off to get those chick's attention." Allen sneered, "You know how that feels, right dad?"

"No because I wasn't an attention seeker like you when I was your age." Your dad snapped back. You bit your lip to prevent any noise from that come-back.

"Well, we will be packing! Isn't this exciting?!" Your mom asked and clapped her hands together. "Come on y/n ! Let's pack!"


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