Anxious hearts

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When Tammy returned home that day and asked the reason for this nuclear destruction as she called, Debbie covered it up saying they had a fight and broke the objects. She didn't want the world to see this side of Lou.

The movie started and the way Dory was with her parents and then getting lost in waters, made Lou completely emotional and sad. The same old turmoil returned. Unbeknownst to her, something similar stirred up in Hela's heart too. When Dory's memories are flashed bit by bit and how she was desperately trying to find her family, asking questions to every fish passing by since her childhood, Lou felt it as her own childhood where she tried to fit among others and was yearning for the family. When Dory met Merlin it was similar to Lou meeting Debbie. Dory accompanied Merlin in his journey, Lou accompanied Debbie in all of hers. Debbie felt the same.

Now it's my turn to help, Debbie thought.

As the movie progressed, the way it unfolded Dory's past and her recovering memories using certain references, both Lou and Hela were astounded. This gave Hela an idea. She now was desperate to make Lou realise the same way by using some references... but what?

Lou was getting more and more anxious, as she sees all the sentimental stuffs and how she can never get these, how she can never find her parents for she doesn't have anything or any memories regarding them - she was a newborn after all when they left.

She feels like a failure and she wants to let her anger out. Out on anything. But right now she can't do it. There are people around her. Debbie understood Lou and extended her hand. Lou looked at her.

"Baby... hold my hand... as tight as possible, or smash it, break it anything. Take all your anger on my hand. Just... Don't allow it to grow inside you...", she whispered.

"No... I can't... I can't do that..."

"Just .. do it.... I'm telling you... Do it for my sake..."

She held Debbie's hand tighter and tighter but was careful not to go overboard. She can never think of hurting Debbie. And Debbie on the other hand... if she felt pain, she didn't utter anything. But she felt Lou's hold is weaker compared to Hela. Two days back when Hela held, she felt her blood stream stop and her vessels about to break.

Lou loosened her grip, got Debbie's hand to her lips, kissed her wrist and murmured 'I love you' against the skin. She saw that there was red mark around the wrist because of her holding. Lou felt bad. But Debbie was happy. This method actually was the best one to control Lou's anger. Lou will be cautious to not hurt Debbie.

All of this emotional conflicts were sensed by Hela. She just wanted to hug Lou and say that she's her mother and she loves her a lot. But it's not so easy. Not with Lou having hatred towards her parents. Only once the hatred is cleared, Lou's love can be got. Right now the love and hatred are competing to dominate Lou. She was grateful to Debbie for taking care of this situation.

The movie was too sentimental for Debbie's taste. She doesn't like such stories. She stopped paying attention. She looked at Hela and then at Lou. Both were having same expressions, the one that highlights longing, suffering, missing, anger, sadness, emotional turbulence and helplessness.

I have to unite these two at any cost

After the movie, Nine and Constance slept there on the couch. Debbie told Hela to take the bed. She and Lou went for a walk.


"You know... Sometimes I feel I should've been some Pixar or Disney character. At least there I would have had happy family before reaching my 20s"

Debbie looked at her. She's not able to believe what she saw in Lou's eyes. She saw a form of love. Usually when she speaks about family it will be with hatred, sadness or self loath. This is the first time such expressions were seen.

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