Chapter 6

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Your Pov

"Yeezus christ what happened to you kid?" Corbin said looking almost appalled at me as I started to struggle to put my boots on

"Corbin if anyone asks I was malled by a bear a very, very, big bear" I exaggerated while trying to tie my boots causing me to sigh deeply as I stood up quickly

"Look kid if I didn't know any better-"

"Which you don't and please don't ask questions Baron I am completely on edge right now" I said sternly causing him to jump back a bit and continue on as to what was going on and whatever I had to do today

"My apologies I've had a long night" I said before immediately yawning as I heard Baron's phone beginning to ring rapidly causing me to raise an eyebrow

"It's your father" he said causing me to widen my eyes before responding

"If he asks where I'm at tell him I'm out of the country" I whispered as he picked up the phone causing me to rush out of the locker room once again knowing I had forgotten to text him last night how I was getting on with the career but I'm glad I had a long quickie with Liv before coming here.

"C'mon Y/N keep your head in the game" I sighed splashing my face with water as I stood by myself in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror as the colour of my eyes began to pierce wildly causing the colour of my iris to completely stand out as I walked back towards the locker room. It was just a one night stand right? Just something to take the edge off it's not a big deal as long as she doesn't bring this up. I thought as my phone pinged seeing that I had a text message causing me to unlock my phone and see who it was

Livvv💛: Heyyy Daddy, I hope you didn't mind being late today I know I didn't ;)

Is she...? Fuck it never mind

Y/N: I know you didn't but I gotta pull an all nighter tonight ok? Since I showed up late in the afternoon because of what we were doing this morning

Livvv💛: My poor baby you wanna come over afterwards I can give you a nice back massage😘

Y/N: No thanks I'll be worn out I think I'll head straight home

Livvv💛: Well since you can't come over tonight...
She texted as I simply shrugged before opening the door to my locker room only for my jaw to drop completely at the sight before me causing me to come in and quickly shut and lock my door while Back To Sleep by Chris Brown played in the background

"Maybe it wouldn't hurt for a quick full body rub right here" Liv said wearing red lipstick sitting on top of the table with her white blouse open revealing red lingerie and a white short skirt with matching heels as her blonde hair seemed to be straightened and flat ironed as it fell loosely down her back

Okay maybe it wasn't gonna be just a one night stand...

Her love is like a one night stand in the summer, hot as hell, totally thrilling, and has you falling head over heels before you know it...

Daddy Liv Morgan/YouWhere stories live. Discover now