Chapter 3

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Your Pov

"Do you know where Liv Morgan is at the moment?" I asked one of the producers in the lot as he simply shook his head and gave me the directions to find Liv, I have been looking around the arena for almost half an hour looking for this girl.

So she's the woman that's been texting me and sent me those flowers and small bear yesterday? What exactly does she want besides getting into my pants ugh... I have a special dislike for people like that but there's something about her

That strangely turns me on... Focus Y/N Focus!

"Oh hey Y/N... I was just looking for you" Said a sweet voice as I turned around it was the one and only Liv Morgan

"Hey yeah... Liv I was just looking for you?" I said as she smiled and nodded her head

"Well why don't we go somewhere a little more quiet" Suggested Liv, you nodded as both of you searched for a more quiet place that no one could ever disturb until you discovered a room that was full of cardboard boxes, a table and a few chairs.

"Why oh why do I owe the pleasure Mr. Y/l/n?" She asked batting her eyelashes at me causing me to groan I know this isn't gonna be easy

"Cut the shit Morgan I know your the one who's been texting me" I said slamming my hands on the table she was sitting on.

"I couldn't wait any longer to meet you... Daddy" She leaned over to whisper in my ear before blowing hot air into it causing me to jump out of my skin away from her

"Don't ever call me that again" I said pretending to be disgusted

"How bout you make me?" Liv said arching her eyebrow seductively as she crossed her legs causing my friend in my pants to slightly twitch

Damnit not now!

"Look Liv... I can't do this" I said pointing at my plump chest as she walked towards me as I backed away a little

"But you don't own me" She said grazing her bottom lip with her tongue before pressing her ripened chest up against mine

"I-I" I stuttered as she locked the door behind me

"But by the looks of your friend down there, I'd say you wanted me" Liv said brushing her leg up against mine causing me to whimper

"But then again I want you too" Liv said as I looked into her eyes that which became lighter every second...

Ever since she met me, she's always wanted me in the worst way...

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