The Mysterious Man

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     The chat read "#*$;*@;#(,#". I looked strangely over at him before responding, "What do you want?" I say. He's not supposed to be here I'm in singleplayer. No response. Not wanting to be around the possibly dangerous man, I walk away. But I hear him follow me. The noise as his blocky feet hit the grass. I get scared and decide to type again. "Hey, I don't know who you are, but can you not have the herobrine skin its kind of creeping me out". He still doesn't respond and I start to run. I stumble upon a cave and start my way down it. I still hear him but try to ignore it, until whoosh I was teleported right next to lava and the guy was hovering above it infront of me.  Then, he sent me back to the beginning of the cave. I  don't know what is going on, I go to try and log out of the world, wanting to make a new one to start over but I can't.

It won't show up.
I can't....leave

Hey guys it's ya bois who are so depressed and sick of highschool, hi comment we're lonely.

Herobrine, My Love (Herobrine x Steve) 💋Where stories live. Discover now