Sly 2: Band of Thieves

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Chapter 1

The Clockwerk Parts

          Hey there again. I’m Sly Cooper. You probably remember me from the action that happened 2 years ago when I defeated the fiendish five and stole back the Thievius Raccoonus. Yeah, well anyway, before I beat him, he told me that he kept himself alive for hundreds of years and that he was immortal. And about a year ago, Bentley realized that if the Clockwerk parts were repaired and put together again, Clockwerk would once again rise up and come after me and the other Coopers.

          Clockwerk’s parts were stored in a Museum in Cairo, so the gang and I planned to break into the museum and steal the parts to destroy them once and for all. So the gang and I took a few months in training. And yeah, I am not talking about me this time, I mean all three of us, Bentley, Murray and I, would be out in the field fighting for the parts.

          Murray worked out and was able to wipe out our test dummies. He was strong, so we called him, the brawns. We gave Bentley a bow and arrow that shot sleep darts. He also used it to smack people or things with. He wiped out the dummies too. And of course, I still have my family’s cane to wipe out things with.

          We got ready and so all three of us were going to rob that museum tonight. We were gonna make sure that nobody reached the parts before us. If Clockwerk did come back, I sure hope he wouldn’t hide out in the Krack-Hatou volcano again. I mean, I don’t have a jetpack anymore, and Carmelita and I are now once again enemies. So, if he does come back, I am pretty much doomed. But now it looks like the gang is packing up for our robbery. We left and drove to the museum parking lot. I jumped on the roof as Murray and Bentley split up as I jumped into a window from the top. Bentley spoke through the binocucom.

          “Breaker Alpha Foxtrot, this is the wizard. Do you read me sitting duck?” He said. “This is peaking duck. I hear you loud and clear, Blizzard.” I said while I laughed silently. “No Sly, I’m The Wizard and you’re Sitting Duck!” He replied louder.

          “I read you loud and clear, lizard.” I laughed silently again.

          “No I’m… Forget it you’re not taking this seriously!” Bentley said furiously. “Yeah, I’m not. Look Bentley, I know this is your first time out in the field, but you gotta loosen up! If we’re gonna get to those Clockwerk parts I need you on your toes! So what do I need to do?”

          “Well, I am up in that elevator.” Bentley said as I looked at the elevator. “If you can turn that power switch, I should be able to come up and help you out.”

          I put the binocucom away and looked around. There was a giant bone model of a dinosaur by the elevator. There was also a trampoline going up. I jumped up onto the dinosaur and walked across. I went to the next floor and jumped to the switch. I turned it as I saw the elevator move and make a sound. I heard Bentley.

          “Ok, I’ve sliced the wires- OW!!” He said as I heard a loud shock. “Hold on!”

          I waited as the elevator stopped. Then it opened and Bentley walked out. We walked over to a security gate. Inside were lasers, spotlights, and of course, a gate. Bentley ran over to the computer beside it. He started typing right away.

          “Ok, I’ve disabled the spotlights…” Bentley said as the spotlights rose up. “There go the lasers…” He said again as the lasers rose up too. “And there’s the gate!” He said as the gate rose up also, giving us a clear path.

          “Thanks pal! For your first time out, you did pretty well!” I said to him. “Oh this operation is far from complete! Murray should be moving into position for our rendezvous. I’ll stay here and provide computer support.” He replied. I ran through the hall and came into a larger hall. Pig security guards were guarding on other side of the bars and walls.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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