Options before him

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The bodies of Kolar, Tiin and Fisto lay across the floor, it is now one on one. Windu vs Sidious. They duel across the floor of the chancellor's office, back and forth.

Windu tries hard not to step on his fallen friends as he fends off Sidious, something that the Sith lord shows no care for. Windu blocks out the sound of braking bones as Sidious steps on Tiin, again. Windu channels the resentment he feels for the Sith into his fighting. It gives him a slight edge but it's enough.

They are locked in a saberlock, Windu stares down the Sith Lord. He watches as the Sith grimaces angst the weight of the lock. Windu puts all he power into pressing down on him.

Sidious feigns out of the lock, knowing his strength was not that of the Vapaad Master. But he hasn't lost this battle, not by a long shot, he still has one more card up his sleeve... oh, and what a card it was...

Windu raises his saber above his head to strike and Sidious meets him. The battle continues. Windu powering forward and Sidious using the environment around him to propel himself in to his enemy.

Sidious lets himself be backed into the window of his office. He senses his card will be here shortly. He quickly falls to the floor to dodge a blow Windu makes for his head. He smiles mockingly at the Jedi as the glass from the now broken window falls around them.

The fight continues along the window's ledge. Both twisting around one another. Until Windu lands a kick to Sidious' face. The Sith's lightsaber goes flying out the window. He backs up into the corner of the window at the tip of the Jedi's blade. 'Good' Sidious thinks 'this will work perfectly'

Just then Anakin Skywalker enters the room. Sidious looks at him but Windu keeps his eyes on the Sith.

"You are under arrest, My Lord" Windu says, his lightsaber still at the Sith's throat. He then looks up to Anakin, he raises a hand to him to stay back.

Sidious calls out to Anakin. "I told you it would come to this. I was right". Anakin quickly glances at Windu then back to him. "The Jedi are taking over"

"The oppression of the Sith will never return. You have lost" Windu states, staring down the Sith.

"No..." Sidious croaks "No... NO. You will die". He then attacks Windu with Force lightning. The energy jumping freely from his fingertips.

Windu shields himself from the lightening with his lightsaber.

"He's a traitor!" Sidious grounds out.

"He is the traitor! AHhhhhhh!" Windu shouts, he pushes forward with his lightsaber, trying to deflect some of the energy back at the sith.

"I have the power to save the one you love" Sidious says, his face distorting "You must choose"

"Don't listen to him, Anakin" Windu cries.

"Don't let him kill me" Sidious begs Anakin. "I can't hold it any longer. I-I I-I can't... I-I can't... any longer. Too weak. Help ME". Sidious stops the Force lightning and lays limply against the wall.

"I am going to end this once and for all" Windu States, Bringing his lightsaber to the Sith's neck again.

"You can't" Anakin interrupts. Windu takes his eyes off the Sith to look at Anakin. "He must stand trial"

"He has control of the Senate and the Courts. He is too dangerous to be kept alive." Windu says. Looks back to the Sith who is muttering about being 'too weak'

"It's not the Jedi way" Anakin says, taking a step forward. "He must live"

Windu ignores Anakin and gets ready to lay the killing blow.

"I need him" Anakin says desperately.

As Windu swings his saber down, Anakin intercepts him with is lightsaber. Windu cries out as Anakin's saber cuts off his hand, he grabs the stump tightly.

Sidious smiles. Anakin was his, the Jedi had made their last fatal mistake. Windu was as good as dead, just like the rest of the Jedi will be soon. "Power!" He cries victoriously as he attacks Windu with Force lightning again, using it to push Windu closer to the edge "Unlimited Power".

Anakin frowns. Palpatine said he was too weak. Where did all this 'Power' come from? Unless he was lying... Unless he was faking... Could he really trust him? No. He couldn't. Palpatine didn't even promise him any power. Didn't say he WOULD save Padmé, only that he could. Sith a selfish, always are... Who can he trust then? He doesn't know. Who can he trust more than the other? He watches as Windu teeters on the edge about to fall. 'Oh Padmé, I don't know what to do. I'm so sorry..."

Palpatine promises your salvation but I no longer know if I... And Windu had always been truthful... harsh but truthful. And then there was Obi-Wan... But do the Jedi know how to save Padmé? Could he come to them with this? Could he come to Obi-Wan with this? ...Could he handle the disappointment?...



Notes: I thought that the moment where Sidious tosses Master Windu out the window could have been a turning point for Anakin. An option for an AU. If in that moment Anakin realizes how he couldn't really trust Palpatine. That he would just about be as willing to kill him or Padmé if the need arises. But he needs to know who he trusts more: The Jedi (Who Palpatine had twisted him to distrust) or the Sith Lord...

This was a 'living in the moment' thing. I had no plans to write this and therefore have no real ideas on what I want to do with it. Other then I had been wanting to do a Happy AU. I was writing this first chapter as fast as possible while I watched the movie. (Qui-Gon - Hope you are proud ;P).

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