Chapter 46: Acheron

Start from the beginning

"Ooh, what's that?" asked Stella.

"Behold, the infinity box. It can contain just about anything, even magical powers" said Eldora as she passed it to Bloom.

"Anything?" asked Bloom.

"Anything" replied Eldora with a grin.

"Sounds great, what do you think Daphne?" asked Bloom as she made the box vanish.

But Daphne didn't respond, she was at the window. She was singing and playing with two butterflies.

"Daphne, are you ok?" asked Bloom.

"..........Oh! Yeah, of course. I have something really big to tell you all...........Thoren and I are getting married" said Daphne as she held her own hands.

"........Getting married?" asked James with one of the biggest smiles on his face.

"Oh Daphne, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" said Bloom as she hugged her elder sister.

As the others all crowded around Daphne, James began talking to himself.

"Now I must really make sure that Daphne doesn't vanish from existence. Think of how sad Thoren would be if he saw his wife vanishing before his eyes......the same goes for everyone else" said James.

Stella's boutique

"Oh Daphne, I can't believe that it's already your big day!" said Bloom happily.

"Now let's get you dressed!" said Stella as she eyed Daphne.

"I'd like something simple and understated" said Daphne as she placed a hand on her chest.

"Not my specialty but I'll try!" said Stella as she made a dress appear on Daphne.

As the others all began giving their individual feedback and inclusions, James was standing near the stairs with his arms crossed.

"Something on your mind?" asked Bloom after giving Daphne a tiara.

"I was just thinking about you, Daphne..........every fairy in this universe and all of the other magical princesses. If Daphne vanishes, Thoren is sure to blame me for it....because it is my fault. If all of you vanish because I failed to save you all.........." said James with his head turned and a tear escaping his eye.

After Daphne was all dressed up, she could see Bloom holding James and the other girls soon followed her direction.

Bloom quickly told the others of how James was feeling and they could only look at him with sympathy. His sisters were both holding his shoulders gently. Falling to his knees, he didn't dare to look up.

"The fate of the world has always been on my shoulders...........but never like this. I should be happy for my sister who's getting married but the reality of my situation is just sinking in. I never should have come back to life, I should have just stayed in stasis forever, no matter what it took! I can't be the one who'll erase so many lives, I just can't......." said James as he began crying.

Cloud tower

In the room with the dragon skull, Selina was getting ready to free Acheron. She had to first make sure that the dragon flame she took from Bloom was sufficient enough to bring Acheron back into the real world.

"Selina!" yelled Icy as she flew in with her sisters.

Selina quickly made the dragon flame vanish before facing the trix. She could see that they weren't happy.

"Who do you think you are?! Quitting the duel like that?!" demanded Darcy.

"And what were you doing back there?! I saw you making something disappear" said Icy.

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