Chapter 46: Acheron

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Daphne's classroom/Next day

"I don't understand James, what do you mean Acheron lied to you?" asked Bloom.

"He lied about everything and he's lied to the entire world. He's lied about me, the truth is that I'm not his son at all! I was lucky when he hit me on the head during our fight in the Legendarium world, Acheron had slammed me so hard that he may have actually broken his own seal on me" said James.

"Does that mean........?" said Bloom.

"Yes, I'm really the son of king Oritel and queen Mariam and I'm really...truly your brother. I remember now, I did defeat him during our fight all those years ago. But at the very end of our battle during the war, he did something to me as a last resort and this was one part that he wasn't lying about....but in the opposite way. He claimed that our father had altered my genetics to match his so that I would really be his flesh and blood. But like I said, it's the opposite. Acheron was the one who changed me, he used a very complicated and powerful spell on me. He had altered my DNA in such a way, it looked like it could have been tampered with and he used that to his advantage to manipulate me, making me believe that our father had really done something to me" said James.

"But then why does our parents still think this way?" asked Bloom.

"Remember that powerful and complicated spell I mentioned? There's more to it than that. The other half of the spell is also a strong mind manipulation spell. After altering me to the way he saw fit, he used the mind spell to change the memories of our parents, making them believe that fake story of me being adopted even though they were worlds away from where I was. Then lastly, he used that accursed sealing technique on my head so that I wouldn't remember how our battle had turned out, in order to maintain his eventual control over me and my memories. The reason Acheron did this was because he saw me as his new avatar after I had defeated him, the perfect being who could make his dreams come true and he wanted to guarantee that. No matter what it took to do so, even if it meant changing my history" said James.

"So now what? How are we supposed to help our parents regain their true memories of you? I don't like seeing them secretly feeling guilty for something that had never happened" said Bloom.

"The only way possible, erase all of Acheron's trace from this world. Either we destroy him or we do something to prevent his influence from further connecting with the real world and Legendarium world" said James.

"Alright........but we still have a problem. There's got to be something that Rumpelstiltskin would take, in exchange for the Legendarium key" said Bloom.

"Yeah, I know right? Talk about being picky" said Musa.

"Even after scouring the magic underfloors, we came up empty" said Aisha.

"What do you give the collector with an already massive collection?" wondered Bloom.

Soon enough, Stella brought up her own ideas but they all turned out to be massive failures.

"I could give him this particular Vanguard card of mine but I don't know if whether he'll take non-magical items" said James.

"I think we should keep brainstorming, we may think of something" said Bloom.

Suddenly Eldora busted into the scene and flipped her way into the middle of the group.

"Now how's that for an entrance?" asked Eldora with a chuckle.

"I admit that was impressive and good timing too. We actually need your help Eldora, it's about the key" said James.

"Ah yes, the key! Well I may have the solution my dear" said Eldora as she soon made something appear in her hands.

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